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question about oil pressure

black crowe

Active Member
December 10, 2001
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'92 EB
Was wondering what oil pressure should be for 130K 4L. All i have is stock guage(L on far left, H on far right and "NORMAL" in middle). The needle has been pretty steady right above the M, it was actually lower but went up after installed cat back flowmaster. Anyway, if anybody knows what is "good" oil pressure, will appreciate info.

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i thought the oil pressure gauge in our explorers isnt really a guage. it's just a 3 position switch (low, ok, high)with a resistor on it so it moves slowly like a gauge would.

Originally posted by leenjen
i thought the oil pressure gauge in our explorers isnt really a guage. it's just a 3 position switch (low, ok, high)with a resistor on it so it moves slowly like a gauge would.
Not too sure about that, but it's possible.... As long as the gauge is working correctly, and it's not on the low side, I'd say yer doin alright. I've got 116k on mine, and it runs on the upper half of NORMAL. I also burn no oil, so I believe my pressure is good

that's just what i heard before on this site. and my gauge always goes to the exact same spot, even if it's cold out and you start it and rev it up. i used to drive a 98 chevy pickup that had a real pressure gauge. when you first start it and rev it, the guage will move up with the pressure. if you let off the gas it drops a little. when you put it in gear, the oil pressure also drops slightly until you start moving. my explorer doesnt do that at all.

If it is not a gauge then i dont know what you would call it. It sure as hell isnt a "dummie light". My guess is that it is a gauge, but instead of numbers it has L,H,NORM. Maybe someone else can shed some light.

It is not a guage. It is a 'dummy light' disguised as a guage. It's just there for looks. The guage has only 2 positions: 1- at the bottom for no pressure or 2- centered if you have pressure. It does not fluctuate with oil pressure.

Do not worry though. You can easily change the 'dummy' guage into a real, working guage with little effort. All you have to do is change the on/off sending unit to a real, variable sending unit and replace a resistor behind the guage with a piece of wire. I just did mine yesterday and it works great.

Do a search for 'fake oil pressure guage' and you'll find the part number for the unit and what resistor to remove.

Yeah, i swithced mine over more then a year ago and it has noticable movement and works great. It was not extreamly tough to do.
