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Oil pressure question


Well-Known Member
December 20, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Tampa, FL
Year, Model & Trim Level
'92 EB/SPORT 4x4
I know its not a "real" oil pressure gauge, but the needle WAS between the r and the m (in "normal"), and now its between the o and the r. Could there be a reason that it dropped, or is it no big deal. I havent done anything as far as mods in quite a while. In fact, the needle actually went up after i installed the flowmaster. Btw, its got about 135k miles.

Anyway, any thoughts appreciated.

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The drop is likely related to the sending unit not the actual engine.

no fix

You need a new gage but first check the wiring and be sure all is well there. If it is the gage get a real one and put it in.:eek:

Since you haven't done the oil pressue gauge mod yet, you can test your sending unit easily.

Just take the wire that is connected to your sending unit and ground it. If it shows the same place it does when it connected then its not the sending unit.. since all it does is ground the connection when it sees 5psi


Thanks all for info.
