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question on identifying part


New Member
April 16, 2014
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Corning NY
Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 mercury mountaineer
I copied this from another member (sorry if I offended him) but this is the best picture I could find showing the part. what is it and where do the vacuum lines connect. The part is on the firewall circled in white. thanks in advance. Its a 98 mountaineer with a 5.0 v8

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EGR Vacuum Regulator Solenoid (EVR). Sometimes called EGR control switch. One line to manifold vacuum, the other to the EGR valve.

The part is on the firewall circled in white. thanks in advance. Its a 98 mountaineer with a 5.0 v8

so if one is not connected, will it die out when its warm out and run fine in the winter?
My 98 mounty runs great all winter but when it hits about 70 degrees it wont run worth anything....cel flashes rapidly and sometimes theft will too...BUT only when the outside temp. goes up.

When the EGR solenoid is disconnected, your EGR won't open. A non-functioning EGR system will cause you to fail emissions inspection (if required where you live). The effect on driveability is small - perhaps you will feel a bit of pinging, but not what you are reporting. However, if the vacuum tube that's supposed to connect the EGR solenoid to the manifold is just hanging open, you will have a vacuum leak, which will affect driveability, for sure.

Rapid CEL flashing indicates a significant misfire and is a warning to let you know that driving in this condition will damage the catalytic converter -- sooner or later. An inoperative EGR will not cause a misfire.

so if one is not connected, will it die out when its warm out and run fine in the winter?
My 98 mounty runs great all winter but when it hits about 70 degrees it wont run worth anything....cel flashes rapidly and sometimes theft will too...BUT only when the outside temp. goes up.

its not throwing any codes...I have an actron cp9175 to scan it.
According to diagrams online, the green vac goes to the top of the egr....which on mine is disconnected.
Theres a hose on mine going from the top to a line on the passenger side of the motor (and a line with no vacuum that I can tell, just laying there on the pass. side not even connected.)
Likw I said, it only does it once it warms up outside...all winter it ran great!
As soon as warmer weather hit tho....dogging out, dying and cel flashing rapidly
Should I have a Ford garage scan it?

Hmm, an inoperative EGR system and a flashing CEL and still no codes. Something is definitely fishy with your scanner -- or it's unable to communicate with your vehicle's computer.

its not throwing any codes...I have an actron cp9175 to scan it.
According to diagrams online, the green vac goes to the top of the egr....which on mine is disconnected.
Theres a hose on mine going from the top to a line on the passenger side of the motor (and a line with no vacuum that I can tell, just laying there on the pass. side not even connected.)

hopefully I found the issue....while it was running, I wiggled the wire loom that plugs into the ecm....and it started doing it!
After it died....I started it and it ran fine, UNTIL I wiggled the wires (drivers side of the wires on the back of the ecm) and it did it again!
I did it 5 more times....same results!
I unplugged the loom and reseated it....tried it again and I got it to bog out and die again....3 more times!
How easy is it to find a short in that group (mess) of wires?
Anyone else ever experience that before?
