Question: Power Windows after shut off? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Question: Power Windows after shut off?


New Member
April 9, 2005
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Minneapolis, MN
Year, Model & Trim Level
'97 XLT
K, I'm an avid member over at, and I figure you guys can help me out with something. I'll try to make this short.

We use shutdown controllers to keep a switch (relay) to the battery open for about 15 seconds after you turn off the car. I don't want to spend the $$$ on one, so I've been thinking.

When I got out today, I remembered the feature of using the power windows after you turn off the car - say, if you forgot to roll your window up after turning off the ignition.

What I'd like to know, is if anyone is aware of how exactly that system works? Is the power available to the windows after every shutoff of the ignition? Or only when it senses that the windows are down? And finally, how long does it supply power to the system after shutoff if I do not touch any of the buttons?

Sorry about the long explanation, I love the threads here on the QUEST FOR HIGHER MPG!


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papp said:
What I'd like to know, is if anyone is aware of how exactly that system works? Is the power available to the windows after every shutoff of the ignition? Or only when it senses that the windows are down? And finally, how long does it supply power to the system after shutoff if I do not touch any of the buttons?
The truck never knows what state the windows are in (down or up). You have the ability to roll down/up windows after ignition is turned off, until someone opens the door, or a time is reached. The time-out is far longer than 15 seconds, but i don't know how long exactly.

Thx for the quick reply. So it works until the door is opened? Does anyone know if there's a way to take away the door sensor so there's only the timer going?

Any other info on it would be great. Thanks guys!

it lasts for 10mins if you keep the doors shut. it also does it with the sunroof.

Cool, Never knew this!! Will have to give it a try tomorrow~~

Kevin Kuiper said:
Cool, Never knew this!! Will have to give it a try tomorrow~~

Yeah I found that out by mistake last year.
I was so excited I actualy made a post about it :)

From taking a quick look at the schematic, the timing circuit looks to be controlled by the GEM. I can't see where it is controlled by a simple external timing circuit.

does anyone know if there would be a drain on the battery during this ten minutes other than what i have installed?

papp said:
does anyone know if there would be a drain on the battery during this ten minutes other than what i have installed?
What do you have installed?

radio works that way also. stays on for like 30 minutes..

I have a 12v lcd screen, and a 150w power inverter.

I don't know what's different about my radio, as it turns off right away.

Perhaps there's a setting somewhere. . .

on my 2002 as long as i do not open the door the radio stays on for a long time..

davidmmm69 said:
on my 2002 as long as i do not open the door the radio stays on for a long time..

yeah i like that on the 02-ups..i was wonderin how to do that with my 96's stock HU.

nice feature it is..

on my soon as the key is off..everything is dead

badazz89lx said:
on my soon as the key is off..everything is dead

You should be able to operate your windows.
( until you open the doors )
