Quick Answer Needed PLEASE! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Quick Answer Needed PLEASE!


Well-Known Member
December 21, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Blaine, Washington
Year, Model & Trim Level
'91 Ranger XLT 4WD
Before the poor truck gets torn apart...

Shady is '91 Ranger XLT 4WD with 4.0L stocker.

How many quarts of Power Steering fluid are needed to totally refill the system??? The Haynes we have doesn't specify, and we can't seem to find it online either...does Anyone know?

Hubby is about to pull the Steering Gear Box and we need to be sure we have the fluids to put back in before the Snow/Wind/Ugly weather hit....


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you shouldn't need more than 3 or 4. when replacing rack and pinions you only need about 4 pints. (ford power steering comes in pints not quarts). 4 quarts will be overkill but it doesn't hurt. best thing to do is fill the pump, starts the truck and immediately turn it off. refill and then start it and have someone there to keep filling it. you don't want it to get air in it or it will whine terrible. turn the wheel lock to lock but don't hold it at the lock or you'll blow the pump.

Thanks so very much guys! Hubby didn't want to be stuck with the blasted thing empty when t he weather hits!

Cheers and fingers crossed this cures this part of my poor little girl's problems!

3 Pints
