Ranger wont start until the battery is diconnected and reconnected. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Ranger wont start until the battery is diconnected and reconnected.


March 25, 2009
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ranger-1991 and 1995
I have been having an issue starting my 1997 ranger. It turns over fine with a new battery, but will not fire. In the past, if I let it sit for an hour, it would start right up. A couple other times it wouldn't start for 3 days. I replace the fuel filter, plugs, plug wires and coil. It then started good for 3 weeks. Yesterday morning it was a no start, and again last night. I checked the fuel pressure which was good, but it did not have spark. I disconnected the battery for 10 minutes and reconnected; it fired right up.

What could cause this? :(

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This si just a shot in tbe dark, but do you have an anti theft system?

Yes I do.

I had read that this may cause the problem but I don't know how to fix it. I've tried unlocking the doors with the key (I thought I read to do this someplace) but that didn't work.

Any Suggestions? :bounce:

crankshaft position sensor

My 00 sport started doing that crap. The tip I found on the forum is to give the crankshaft position sensor a good couple of hard taps with a big screwdriver handle and see if it will fire. If it does, go replace it for $30. The set up uses a magnetic pickup and as it gets worn out has a tendency to stick. Without it, the engine has no idea where the timing is at and will not fire. Personally I would just do it and get it over with.

Great idea. I'll pick one up.

Now I'm confused

Looking for a crankshaft position sensor, I keep getting two different parts,

One looks to have a shaft that looks similar to a distributor ( Richporter Technology - Crankshaft Angle Sensor) and the other is a completely molded in plastic piece (Master Pro Ignition - Crankshaft Position/Angle Sensor). both are on the O'reilly auto parts web page below.


Different parts but same name??????? Which one do I want?


Any info on the anti theft bypass or fix?
