Rear bumper rust on 99 Sport (2 dr) | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Rear bumper rust on 99 Sport (2 dr)

My rear bumper has 2 rust spots (I should have taken a picture but I didn't think of it).

So I'm asking what can I do to stop it and maybe remove it so it doesn't look so crappy.

OR how hard is it to replace the bumper? Can I do it myself?


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replacing a bumper is cake
Tight bolts is about the only obstical.
four 18mm bolts and the bumper is in your lap.

Rust on the other hand, it all has to be ground out, and then refilled for a relieble repair.

This is what my rear bumper looked like on my 99 sport until I sanded all the rust off of it and repainted it. It can be done, but it is easier to replace it definitely.


It was the first thing i have ever painted, so I missed a spot at the corner, but I am repainting it this summer again.

2000Sportdriver said:
replacing a bumper is cake
Tight bolts is about the only obstical.
four 18mm bolts and the bumper is in your lap.

Rust on the other hand, it all has to be ground out, and then refilled for a relieble repair.

OK, so where do I get a bumper :)

Can I locktite the bolts? How do you get them tight enough?

Do you post on IM?

No, you do not need loc-tite.

just eat some Wheeties for breakfast

MtnBikerChk said:
small world, eh?


Very :) Have IAB pull it off, sand, and paint it. It will be a lot cheaper than replacing it. On my old sport, I sanded(to bare metal) and then just used a rattle can.

Premier said:
Very :) Have IAB pull it off, sand, and paint it. It will be a lot cheaper than replacing it. On my old sport, I sanded(to bare metal) and then just used a rattle can.

:mad: I don't need IAB to do it for me - I can do it!

MtnBikerChk said:
:mad: I don't need IAB to do it for me - I can do it!
lol Just beware that a rattle can won't give you a professional finish. If you want the paint to really shine, then I would go professional. In my case, I bought all the professional spray equipment and started to learn how to paint. If you have a friend with a spray gun, then maybe they can do it, otherwise just go to a shop. :) I am not aware what finish you are going for, so I was just suggesting other refinish options.

99SportX said:
lol Just beware that a rattle can won't give you a professional finish. If you want the paint to really shine, then I would go professional. In my case, I bought all the professional spray equipment and started to learn how to paint. If you have a friend with a spray gun, then maybe they can do it, otherwise just go to a shop. :) I am not aware what finish you are going for, so I was just suggesting other refinish options.

well the look I'm going for is just one without rust :)

Thanks all.

and Premier - btw, IAB's suggestion is to replace the vehicle.

Ok, you can do it.. lol I just figured you would make him do it :shrug: I will take a pic of min tomorrow, it looks like it did when I bought it. Goodluck with whatever you do ;)

99SportX said:
lol Just beware that a rattle can won't give you a professional finish. If you want the paint to really shine, then I would go professional. In my case, I bought all the professional spray equipment and started to learn how to paint. If you have a friend with a spray gun, then maybe they can do it, otherwise just go to a shop. :) I am not aware what finish you are going for, so I was just suggesting other refinish options.

you're hired. I'll get the bumper off and you can come over and paint it.

thanks :)

MtnBikerChk said:
you're hired. I'll get the bumper off and you can come over and paint it.

thanks :)

LOL, I don't think I want to drive that far... :D But seriously, a diy repair can hold up pretty well. If you get ALL the rust off ,and a durable paint finish on there, then it will last a while. My bumper is doing fine after one salt filled minnesota winter, and I know for a fact that I wasn't able to get ALL the rust off, but it will be back, as always. :mad: An auto body supply store should be able to hook you up with the paint you need in rattle cans. Thay have high quality primers, paint, etc.
