Rear Controls. Please Read. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Rear Controls. Please Read.

Super Serg

December 18, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
Miami, FL
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 XLS
I have a 2000 XLS with an OEM AM/FM/CD radio & just bought a deluxe
long center console with the rear audio & A/C controls. I've searched this
forum for days & even went as far back to posts from '99... but haven't
found any diagrams or info on how to connect the rear audio controls without
the IR aftermarket device.

Does anyone know if this could be done or could point me in the right direction?
Any help would be GREATLY appreciated!


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I put a long console in my '01 XLS and was looking to do the same thing. I finally gave up because you either need A) The proper factory wiring harness (Sells at over $1k from :eek: ), which is a single harness for the whole dash/console, or B) The factory wiring diagrams and TONS of patience to wire it. The wiring diagrams are available in the Explorer Repair CD's that you can get off EBAY, but it would be a tremendous amount of work. I finally ended up only hooking up the heater controls, and that was a PITA (and I'm an engineer!!).

I too just bought a long console for my 2000 XLS. How did you hook up the rear heat/AC controls??

Let me know, with diagrams and pics


Sorry, I didn't make any diagrams or pix when I did it. I did have to tap both the heater control module, switched 12V power, constant 12V power and added a new fuse to the fuse box (in one of the blank locations). If you're not REALLY good with electronics and a multimeter, I would suggest having someone else do it.

Im not bad with electronice, its just that i have to know wehre thigns go and how to do it (little bit) then I can go from there. So if you do have any instructions at all, let me know

