Received build date | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Received build date


New Member
March 16, 2012
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I just received my build and delivery date on a 2013 Limited 4WD in White Platinum. My wife is excited as this will be her vehicle. She just had a bad experience and totaled her other car and this will be her replacement. No one was hurt except the car so that is a good thing.

Ordered 3/1
Build date - 3/26
Delivery date - 4/9

I just received my build and delivery date on a 2013 Limited 4WD in White Platinum. My wife is excited as this will be her vehicle. She just had a bad experience and totaled her other car and this will be her replacement. No one was hurt except the car so that is a good thing.

Ordered 3/1
Build date - 3/26
Delivery date - 4/9

My order also went in on 3/1. Hopefully we'll get ours around the same time!

Thats pretty good, I ordered mine on 12/31/11 and to my knowledge no one on here ordered before me but I only got a vin # about a week ago and was told of build date around the middle of this month. I wonder why the earlier orders are not the first built?
