replacing tranny with Jasper | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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replacing tranny with Jasper

tobacco farmer

New Member
December 10, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Cynthiana, Ky
Year, Model & Trim Level
04 XLT
Hi, I bought a 04 explorer XLT at the auction the other day with 90,000 miles on it. The o/d light was flashing so I scanned it and came up as solenoid b was bad so I replace the solenoild pak still the same thing. So I bought a Jasper to put in it. They said that tranny had 17 updates done to it.
I was wondering if anyone else has went this route and how do they like it.

I just realized I posted in the 95-01 forum.
So could a mod. move this for me to the o4 forum. Thanks
