S#!T 3 hole under emblem | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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S#!T 3 hole under emblem

I took off the Explorer emblem on the rear lift gate and it left three holes! I already broke the Explorer emblem when taking it off so I had to do something to cover the holes, something different, so off to the Poughkepsie Ford parts counter I went and got a Mustang GT and interceptor emblem......


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i love it, "police interceptor" thats great:D

You should've asked here first!

And also, you might catch some flak for those emblems...

Like.. 'attitude'.. or 'disagreence' (if thats a word)... or he might get a little 'sheeot'. You know?

Heres a shot from 10 or so feet back I took this morning after I installed my new Thule Playpen and took it on a trail to see if it hit any branches. The GT emblem is more visual.


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Yes please guys, any negative criticism lets keep it "happy" huh? ;)

Personally I think it looks okay, better than holes, cheaper than filling them. I do wonder though if you wanted the emblems shaved until you saw the holes, why you didnt just get another Explorer emblem to go back there?

Mmmmmmmm gold looks real nice against the black

How much did the police interceptor badge cost?

I dig it. I don't see you getting any flack for it. As long as you don't let it go to your head and start providing assistance in any traffic stops, or answering to back up calls you may here on your police scanner. LOL

I think it looks good! No reason to worry about flak....Also like the rack on top!

Originally posted by Commtech
I think it looks good! No reason to worry about flak....Also like the rack on top!

Are you saying he has a nice rack....


I like the look of the GT badge on there, but I think the flak might arrive when asked whether u have a V8 or V6 under the hood. If its a V8 then right on, i dont see too much flak. Some Mustangers might get mad at the GT part if you have a v6> I only hate the GT badge on Mustang V6s. But for looks on your car, id say its not too bad.

Originally posted by Crankcase
How much did the police interceptor badge cost?

The interceptor emblem cost me $9.74!!! Retail is only like $12 but they matched fordparts.com and didn't charge me shipping!!! If anyone is interested the part number is xw7z-5442528-aa or you can go to
http://fordparts.com/cart/?pn=xw7z-5442528-aa and get it but with the shipping it's cheaper to get it at your local Ford dealer. The Mustang GT emblem was $6.

I think it looks great, don't worry about any flak. LOL if you do try pulling someone over because of your poice interceptor badge...be sure to have pictures for this site, o and don't forget to tape it also. LOL chow
