School me on the Darkside! YJ Laredo? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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School me on the Darkside! YJ Laredo?


Elite Movie Star
Elite Explorer
September 1, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Lake View Terrace, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'91 Navajo '99 X '19 Rngr
Zukman has maybe come across a deal.. We may be able to pick up a Jeep Wrangler Laredo with the Hard top:thumbsup: for....well nothing:D Only bad part is the motor is toast. Truck has over 300k on it, but pretty sure it's all street/freeway miles. From what I'm told it pretty much has a perfect body. I'm quessing sence it's a Laredo that it has the 4.0 HO motor...or at least I would hope:rolleyes:

Any info would be mucho apreciated...;) and will update once I know whats going on.. It will be weird to see a zuk, crusier and a heep all in my parents yard though:confused:

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put a new motor in it

just did some researh..looks like it should have a 4.2 in it. and laredo would be the chrome package;)

Any idea on what year this is? might help :dunno:

think my mom said it mite be a '89 or so.... not really sure.

but may just have to keep it.... hmmm what would we paint it like?:D:p:

watch out with the carb. The carter carb can be problematic on those with poor idle and performance from them.

A 4.0 will bolt right in to where the 4.2 was. Use the same radiator engine mounts. Hook up 6 wires and it is running. Only thing you have to do is put a cutout in the tranny bellhousing for the crank positioning sensor and you are done. Easy swap.

I actually just picked up a 93 wranlger, with that 89 your just going to have to watch out for the manual transmission as a much stonger one was added in 90. The automatic should be fine though.
