Scottie! I need more power!!!! and gears | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Scottie! I need more power!!!! and gears


Well-Known Member
December 13, 2000
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City, State
Clackamas, Oregon
Year, Model & Trim Level
89 F150 xlt Laramie
So i have a 89 1/2 ton with a I6 and i need more power, horse power that is, so any ideas are welcome. i have headers already and 3" exhaust.

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don't know what your options are, but you need better air intake somehow? k and n filter and maybe a modified airbox?

my friend has a similar truck a 92 though. what gears do you have? with 38s he now has 4.55s and they really improved power for offroading and towing. sorry about two responses i forgot to include the gears in the first one.

yeah i have a k&n air maybe i should geta fipk system, how mutch are they.

oh and i am looking for a set of 4.10's in a dana 44 and aford 8.8 with posi in the 8.8.

i would have suggested that but i don't know if they make one for your truck. if they do don't pay more that 150 for it. you should go out right now and drill some holes in your air box and see if that helps noticably. i wouldn't be surprized if that made a good difference. did you lose low end power when you installed those headers and exhaust. my buddies truck has some internal mods done and he still hasn't gotten headers for fear of losing low end torque.

na i didn't really notice a low end torq loss, i can still get down to 400 rpm in fourth gear and chug right back up to speed even on hills. but installation wasn't easy, it involves taking the intake all apart and off not to mention a totally new exhaust, stock can't be used. but i'm really good at fabing up exhausts so i cut out my cat and got a new high flow muffler and put it all together. it definitly sounds way better, almosta s good as a 302 with a decent exhaust. in my eyes, woth it.

and my diffs say i have 3.08's, i'm running 35's without a granni gear so i have to guess they are lower?and the guy i bought it from put the lift and tires on and he said he never changed the gears, so unless someone before him changed them they are 3.08's. how mutch did he pay for gears and install.

How big of holes and where?

And what internal mods did your buddy do, how much$ and were they worth it?

the gears and install (by his brother, me, adn him) were about 300 dollars. we replaced the whole rear axle (still like stock though) at the same time as well. all the parts came from a local junkyard. his engine has a modified intake, and a new cam. i don't know the total for those at all, but they probably really weren't worth it. his truck still is about twice as slow as my x, heh heh. i don't know what kind of shape you truck is in, but you could easily spend more on the engine (if you go inernal) then the whole thing is worth.

there should be some posts here about modifying stock airboxes. its not something i have done personally, both of my vehicles have gotten the fipk treatment, but as far as i know a series of half inch diameter holes all around the stock airbox will lead to better airflow and more performance. i know some people have also cut away huge pieces of the airbox, but in my minds eye i think the holes would be a better idea. do a search and see what you come up with, or just go experiment. good luck.

about the gears, that staight six is known for pulling power but 3.08s 35s and 4th gear is pretty impressive. it could be one of those ford mix-ups that are never expained. have you checked which gears came with yoiur vin number? it would be crazy if they were different than what the diffs say.

sorry if this pic worked, i just wanted to see if it worked, i've never noticed the attach file box before and wanted to see if it meant i could add pics.


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thanx for al the great info, and ya i can believe it faster than his 1/2 ton. i wish i hadn't sold my x, but i needed to pulling power and the bed, not to mention my x had 150k and needed rings- i sold it for 4k- i still can't sleep at night,i should have sold it for less. oh well thanx

Fox - Go to and go to the forums there - The guys there really know their stuff about the old I6's. :smoke:
