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Shaker hood


Explorer Addict
November 1, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
Gardner, KS
Year, Model & Trim Level
'02 Limited V8
Found a pic from Truckin of an Ex with a shaker hood. Not really digging the wheels and fender vent, but I wouldn't mind seeing better pics of the shaker setup. My guess is they modified a Classic Design Concepts shaker kit for a mustang.

Here is a link about the Ex. Sounds like a built block with 175 shot of Nitrous!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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sounds like that thing should haul some ass. looks like a custom hood with shaker cutout

That thing is awesome! :thumbsup:

i dont like the rims, but the fender cut outs look ok to me. That truck looks amazing. i bet it hauls some serious ass too.

It could be built like the guy said, or it could be an "all show, no go kinda thing."

I mean, I have a billet rotating assembly, Kenne Bell 2.8H at 25psi boost with a twin turbo setup custom made by Hellion turbos at 18psi of boost and a 250 shot of nitrous to keep it all cool. I am waiting for my Whipple 4.0 to show up and crank it to 35psi boost, turbos to 25psi of boost with an upgrade the nitrous to a 500 shot. All on stock a drivetrain. :burnout:

Hey, it never hurts to dream;)

pft, im just dropping in the W16 out of the veyron!!

pft, im just dropping in the W16 out of the veyron!!

I thought about that too, but I didn't want put all those damn radiators and intercoolers inside and have scoops everywhere:thumbdwn:

I have yet to see someone add a little more boost to one of those. It's not like it's needed, but it would be cool to see it at it's full potential.

hennasay does a veyron package... gets another 400 hp out of em.

I looked at the Hennessy Veyron package and it seems to only be an exhaust upgrade. 400hp from just an exhaust? Those VW folks left a little on the table there. I still can't find one about some gazillionare that wanted to make his/her ride a little faster:(

lol thats cus unlike you and I, most people are scared Sh**less by 1001 horse power lol.
