Silver Lake runs this spring (Michigan or anyone close read this!) | Page 9 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Silver Lake runs this spring (Michigan or anyone close read this!)

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I say we eat at sands if we dont do a BBBQ :)

I'm thinking its gonna be fawkin COLD!!! because its going to be in less than a month and right now it aint warm here in IL, plus i know MI has snow. Is that place open in the snow? That would be REAL fun!

Alright guys, I think I am going to be at S.L. on the 6th, but I am gonna be on my dirtbike. If I find a trailer, I may have my girlfriend take the X out, otherwise I'm bringing the T100.

Originally posted by espnfreak
I say we eat at sands if we dont do a BBBQ :)

I'm thinking its gonna be fawkin COLD!!! because its going to be in less than a month and right now it aint warm here in IL, plus i know MI has snow. Is that place open in the snow? That would be REAL fun!

I agree...maybe we should just eat out. It would be easier for everyone....plue we wouldn't be freezing.

Now that we are getting closer. I am thinking that I agree with we eat out. Right now it is 37 degrees were I live. They are calling for rain and 50 on Sat., then 30 and snow on Sun. The weather changes so much might be a good idea to find a place to eat. I blew my trans up after 80k the other day, I am rebuilding it myself. I am having to replace hard parts inside the trans. :( I will be up and running before April 6th.


Dang Eric, hopefully it will run healthy for the dunes!

Oh it will be healthy. I am rebuilding the trans my self at work. I had to order a few hard parts in the trans, hopfully they will be here Monday, so I can put it together. It will drive my truck or my wifes. She has a 97 Eddie Bauer.


Nice, 2 explorers. I like the sig too, it applies to me also

I like it alot too. I bet you have heard that in 2003 Chevy will be putting heated tailgates on there trucks.



Ok, sorry for not replying in a while guys. I don;t do the internet much from home because the 40K connection is SO slow! Anyway in terms of hotels, there is a Best Western near my school for anyone who would want to join up and be in the caravan up to the dunes. I am not familiar with any places close to the dunes, but the link above should help.
As for eating at a resturant.....I'll have to see with what I can come up with. The dunes are like in the middle of nowhere. The only food place I have found near the dunes so far was a small Mc D's. Well, I'm real tired..I'll check back later

Okay, I am way too excited about all this:D I have a cottage near silver lake, so I am really familiar with the area. As far as a place to eat, there isn't too much around silver lake. When we eat out, we ususally leave town. In Shelby, about 10-15 minutes away, there is a place called the Brown Bear, excelent food, but i'm not sure they could handle a crowd like us (upwords of 40+ people + all their regulars) In Hart, which is about the same distance, there is a restaurant, not sure what the name of it is, but they have all you can eat fish a lot, I will try to remember what it is called. If we wanted to drive a little further to Pentwater, about 20-25 minutes north, they have a couple restaurants as well, but again im drawing a blank as to the names of them. I still think a bbq would be best, who knows, its Michigan, it could be 80 and sunny that weekend :cool:

OK Im in for the 6th and will be coming up fri. where to stay? and should I plan on staying sat. as well? I dont think so but who knows . Any one else going fri. lets hook up .Do we have a sched.-start @9 stop @4 etc. or will we just wing it? just some ?s as its 4 1/2 to 5 hrs and I need to do a little pre plan.
Thanks ,Todd

I will probably be up there on Friday also. We should have something going on Friday too. Who else is planning on being up there Friday?

what did you guys decide on the cookout? Someone from the f-150 board said that you guys had invited all of to the cookout but I thought plans for the cookout had been cancelled?

I think we should definatly try to have a cookout. It would be cheaper and easier and more fun for everyone, I think. But, in the event of bad weather, we should have a backup plan. I am really familiar with the area, and will be calling restaurants within 25 minutes of the dunes to see who can handle us. Figure there will be about 25 trucks with about 2 people per rig, so that is a lot of people for some of the restaurants. There isnt much for good places to eat in silver lake, but in neighboring towns there is:

Hart - The Fresh Catch (usually have all you can eat fish deal)

Shelby - Brown Bear (good but way too small for all of us)

Pentwater - The Gull Landing (probably our best bet, good food, im pretty sure they could handle us)

Like I said, I will call these places and make sure they can handle us, but I still think a cookout would be our best bet if weather permits.

People going up Friday, lets have dinner somewhere.

95xlt maybe you could put what day people are goin up and if they are going to meet at GVSU next to the names.

Originally posted by VairKing
I think we should definatly try to have a cookout. It would be cheaper and easier and more fun for everyone, I think. But, in the event of bad weather, we should have a backup plan. I am really familiar with the area, and will be calling restaurants within 25 minutes of the dunes to see who can handle us. Figure there will be about 25 trucks with about 2 people per rig, so that is a lot of people for some of the restaurants. There isnt much for good places to eat in silver lake, but in neighboring towns there is:

Hart - The Fresh Catch (usually have all you can eat fish deal)

Shelby - Brown Bear (good but way too small for all of us)

Pentwater - The Gull Landing (probably our best bet, good food, im pretty sure they could handle us)

Like I said, I will call these places and make sure they can handle us, but I still think a cookout would be our best bet if weather permits.

People going up Friday, lets have dinner somewhere.

95xlt maybe you could put what day people are goin up and if they are going to meet at GVSU next to the names.

SInce this list is getting quite large instead of adding more stuff next tot he names i think I'll make a spreadsheet so it's a little easier to read and more organized. I will try to organize it this week. My e-mail has crashed so I lost everyone's e-mail addresses who have sent me messages. After I get it fixed if everyone would e-mail me a blurb then I can put the names back in my address book.
I'll keep you guys posted

OK...Where to start?!?!?

First I guess...95XLT...can you get me the number to that Best Western...I will be staying there on Friday.

Second..regarding the cookout, if everyone still wants to have it, thats fine with me. I just dont want to be sitting on the lake with blowing wind and 30degree weather. Lets just see as the time comes what the temp will be...and then we will CRUNCH into getting prepared. As for now....plan on cookout. We should be able to decide a week before and still have plenty of time to get everything...agreed??

OK...for those who would like to know.

I called the Best Western 95XLT was talking about and they have approximately 50 rooms available for Friday night, and 20 rooms for Saturday night. She said they are filling quick because they have a large wedding in town and some robotics tournament or something. Rooms are $79. I made my reservations today.

616-532-3222 theres the phone #...let me know who else will be staying there.

Originally posted by SSIKORA
OK...for those who would like to know.

I called the Best Western 95XLT was talking about and they have approximately 50 rooms available for Friday night, and 20 rooms for Saturday night. She said they are filling quick because they have a large wedding in town and some robotics tournament or something. Rooms are $79. I will be making my reservations today.

616-532-3222 theres the phone #...let me know who else will be staying there.

If anyone does miss out and not get a room there or if someone wants me to see if I can find a cheaper place let me know. That Best Western is just the closets one i know of because I always go past it on the way to and from school.
Anyway have a great day!

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For those interested, try the Comfort Inn in Hart. $59/night which includes a continental breakfast. It is about 7 miles from the dunes on US 31. 30 miles north of Muskegon. It is at the Mears exit you take to go to the dunes.

I am booked there for both Friday and Saturday nights.

Number is 1-800-4CHOICE (424-6423)
