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Sirius Signal Drop Out

I think a lot of this can be attributed to MFT buggy software. My Ex seizes up all the time. Randomly. It's unnerving. AC blows wildly. The screen goes blank. Etc. This has to be related.

They can't get the new software out there fast enough for me.
I posted in another thread that I had sent you a private message but it must not have gone through. Please check your inbox now for further details. Thank you.


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I called Sirius, had them do a refresh signal to the Sirius receiver, but still notice signal drops.........
I’ve been looking into this and found that the SIRIUS browse feature is a known concern and the SYNC engineering team is looking into it. I’ll post anything I hear about the progress of this issue. Thank you.


I am also having drop outs.

Did not notice it when I first got my vehicle, but, now I have the problem. Thought it may have been because they replaced my APIM. GUess that is not the case.

A friend of mine has a Escape, and he says he has the same problem.
Your drop outs can also be attributed to the concern the SYNC engineering team currently know about and are looking into. While they do that, I will post any updates about it here to keep everyone in the loop.


Your drop outs can also be attributed to the concern the SYNC engineering team currently know about and are looking into. While they do that, I will post any updates about it here to keep everyone in the loop.


Thanks Cory

Im glad they are aware of the issue.

I will be surprised if its linked to a SYNC problem because it didn't happen much before Sirius did their latest channel software refresh.

I have noticed the signal cutting out ever since they have changed their channel line up on may 4th. I have a portable XM in my other car and it too has been cutting out but not has bad. I do think that the EX has a weaker antenna than my portable the reason it is not cutting out has much, but I do think it is more of a Sirrus/Xm issue than our hardware. E-mail is going off to Sirrus/Xm to complain.

Well, I finally got annoyed and called Sirius.

The first line person didn't really listen as I described the issue and began to go through the whole "let me send a signal refresh" troubleshooting protocol. I told him I appreciated that, but I would really like to be transferred to a second level support tech.

He did one better - he transferred me to a third level!support person.

The young lady who answered the call did something amazing. She admitted that Sirius was having issues. She said she was having the same issues on her Sirius radio, and that their engineering staff was working on defining and resolving the issue.

So, I'll wait a week and see if it improves. If not, I'll be calling them back again.

Well, I finally got annoyed and called Sirius.

The first line person didn't really listen as I described the issue and began to go through the whole "let me send a signal refresh" troubleshooting protocol. I told him I appreciated that, but I would really like to be transferred to a second level support tech.

He did one better - he transferred me to a third level!support person.

The young lady who answered the call did something amazing. She admitted that Sirius was having issues. She said she was having the same issues on her Sirius radio, and that their engineering staff was working on defining and resolving the issue.

So, I'll wait a week and see if it improves. If not, I'll be calling them back again.

Nice. A real answer. I LOVE IT!

Amazing what you can get away with in life if you just admit things. Don't we all feel much better now? I certainly do.

Well, I finally got annoyed and called Sirius.

The first line person didn't really listen as I described the issue and began to go through the whole "let me send a signal refresh" troubleshooting protocol. I told him I appreciated that, but I would really like to be transferred to a second level support tech.

He did one better - he transferred me to a third level!support person.

The young lady who answered the call did something amazing. She admitted that Sirius was having issues. She said she was having the same issues on her Sirius radio, and that their engineering staff was working on defining and resolving the issue.

So, I'll wait a week and see if it improves. If not, I'll be calling them back again.

Thank you for pushing to get the answer we were all looking for........at least they aren't denying there is a problem like others do.

Thank you for pushing to get the answer we were all looking for........at least they aren't denying there is a problem like others do.
I should have gotten her name to refer back to when some suit at Sirius denies they are having problems, and that the call ever took place.:D

Thanks Cory

Im glad they are aware of the issue.

I will be surprised if its linked to a SYNC problem because it didn't happen much before Sirius did their latest channel software refresh.
You’re welcome. I don’t want to guess what the cause of the problem is, but I will post any available details I find about the issue.


I know the issue is being looked at but I have noticed the interruptions of signal are worse now then when we first noticed the problem.

I know the issue is being looked at but I have noticed the interruptions of signal are worse now then when we first noticed the problem.
Today was about average. One "skip" every 5 to 10 minutes.

I did ask a friend who has a Prius with Sirius. He's experiencing the same behavior. So - it certainly does not seem to be a MFT problem.

Today was about average. One "skip" every 5 to 10 minutes.

I did ask a friend who has a Prius with Sirius. He's experiencing the same behavior. So - it certainly does not seem to be a MFT problem.

We are 2011 Explorer owners.....We dont talk to people who drive a Prius!

Today was about average. One "skip" every 5 to 10 minutes.

I did ask a friend who has a Prius with Sirius. He's experiencing the same behavior. So - it certainly does not seem to be a MFT problem.

Went for a ride yesterday eve to a meeting and experienced the same thing...continuous "drop outs" like a skipping record. Hope they fix this, it is annoying!

We are 2011 Explorer owners.....We dont talk to people who drive a Prius!
As he was giving me crap about the difference in fuel mileage, I offered to put his little electro hybrid, on my trailer, and all of his family in my Ex, and drive him around so he could get Infinite+ miles per gallon.:D

Yesterday was better. A couple skips in the morning IIRC, and then last night it was solid.

I have the drops but it's only noticeable in "replay" mode. I attributed it to the system building up the buffer. It also might be the system updating programming in the background to scan for any alerts you have saved (although mine did this before I ever saved the first alert, so that's why I think it's the buffer.)

I have Sirius on a Pioneer head unit in my truck, and I do not drop signal unless I completely block the sky. Period.

Just talked to the XM lady to cancel my old subscription for my add-on unit. When I told her I wanted to cancel because I had a new vehicle with Sirius, she said "I'm sorry to hear that". At which point I asked her why, since I have a new vehicle and I really like it and it has their service.:D She basically said "Doh! sorry, I just get in the habit."

She was actually really nice, got the old one canceled, and offered me a one year follow-on to the trial at 50% off. Came out to $91.08 with tax and "royalty fee". Whatever. I'll take a 50% discount. :thumbsup: They aren't supposed to bill my card til November, though I really don't care if they bill it now.

One thing to note is that it autorenews at the then current rate after 12 months. So I put an Outlook task out for a week before the subscription to call and get a better rate then whatever the street price is at that point.

Just talked to the XM lady to cancel my old subscription for my add-on unit. When I told her I wanted to cancel because I had a new vehicle with Sirius, she said "I'm sorry to hear that". At which point I asked her why, since I have a new vehicle and I really like it and it has their service.:D She basically said "Doh! sorry, I just get in the habit."

She was actually really nice, got the old one canceled, and offered me a one year follow-on to the trial at 50% off. Came out to $91.08 with tax and "royalty fee". Whatever. I'll take a 50% discount. :thumbsup: They aren't supposed to bill my card til November, though I really don't care if they bill it now.

One thing to note is that it autorenews at the then current rate after 12 months. So I put an Outlook task out for a week before the subscription to call and get a better rate then whatever the street price is at that point.

I have gotten the 50% off from XM for the last few years. Always have to call before it renews and threaten to cancel. I have always had them send me a paper bill, so they can't charge my credit card for anything. They usually charge $2 for the paper invoice.

Hoping I can do the same with Sirius.

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Just came back from a road trip with six golfing buddies, the sirius radio worked perfect no drops out not even under an overpass when is was stuck in traffic on the return trip home. Looks like the problem is fixed...I really think it was Sirius the problem.

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