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Small engine question


Active Member
February 25, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
South Carolina
Year, Model & Trim Level
96 XLT
Yeah I know I should find a small engine repair forum.

A buddy of mine gave me a pressure washer today, he said that the pump was burnt up but the engine ran fine. He said I could have it if I wanted it.

Well he was right, the engine runs great but will not run if I turn the choke off or half off. It runs great as long as the choke is on.
It is a Honda 5.5 hp Model gx160 I think.

It doesn't look as if anyone has ever opened her up and operated before judging by the bolts. But you never know.

So again the problems is, she runs great but only with the choke on.

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This is way off in the wrong forum, maybe a mod can move it, but...

To the question, the main jet in the carb is clogged partially. Take the big nut off the bottom of the bowl, remove the bowl, and look for a tiny orifice in the nut or above it. Drain the gas first so it dosen't all pour out, or turn off the fuel valve if it has one (wouldn't that be nice). Clean the passages and put it back together, dont use anything stiff that will enlarge the holes. Carb cleaner can be helpful.

Also if the pump is burnt, usually that means that the water pump is damaged and because of that it will not work... make sure you have water in it anytime it is running, the water is what cools the pump, or did you verify the pump operation?

Thanks for your reply. I didn't really check the pump. My friend told me the reason he was giving it away was b/c he had burnt the pump. The pump may be repairable. The pressure was just as good as a car wash but that was about it.
I wasn't really concerned with the water pump, I just wanted the engine.

Will do, thanks alot!

a good seafoam/fuel mix may help too.
