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Smoke Smell


July 23, 2009
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Year, Model & Trim Level
04 Eddie Bauer 4.6
I just brought my Eddie a few weeks ago and the previous owner was a smoker. I've try everything to get the smell out. Help please.

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steam clean the carpets, and get leather cleaner for the seats.

I've done both of them. I've even wipe down the whole inside of it.

I've done both of them. I've even wipe down the whole inside of it.

I had it for the longest time and now its gone try this:

1. Febreeze the headliner and all the carpets.
2. Wipe out inside the vents
3. Leather cleaner
4. Leave windows down for a night
5. Use vacuum on carpets
6. Put about 20 dryer sheets scattered under the seats and under the dash and in the trunk
7. Drive for an hour with the windows down
8. Clean the interior again with the vacuum and leather cleaner and windex
9. Take out the dryer sheet and put two fresh ones under each seat.
10. Replace sheets monthly.
11. Enjoy fresh scent

As #1 says above, clean the headliner.

Personally I do not like Febreeze at all, it just covers the smell, it does not clean. Steam cleaning or even shampooing the carpets, headliner and any other cloth surface is where the smoke smell is trapped. You can't mask it, it needs to get cleaned and sucked out.

i smoke inside my explorer and caddy. I am a smoker my gf is trying to make me quit smoking.

I've run into this problem before, take a large bottle of Ozium spray, turn your car on max A/C setting with hottest setting tape or rubber band the spray nozzle so it stays on and set it on your floorboard then close the door. If you have done all the cleaning you will still have the smell stuck in your heating/cooling system. This will get the spray everything.

Do you have a carpet cleaner with attachments? I dont smoke in my car so I wouldnt know how exactly to get it out but here is what I would suggest.

Shampoo anything that is made of fabric. Even the headliner. Either borrow or buy a carpet cleaner with attachments.
Get some lysol nutra (sp?) air. I smoke in one room of my house, while the windows are always open I spay this stuff all over the room and you would never know about the smell.
When you know its going to be sunny out, park you car with the windows open. Airing out the car for a while will help alot.
What kind of leather cleaner did you use? Once a month I clean all the leather in mine with some stuff and it works great. I use viva paper towels and they always come out dark.
After about a good week of your car airing out shove some air fresheners in there. I like the black ice but you can use whatever you want.

Thanks for all the tips guys. I gave it another good steam cleaning today with my auto steam cleaner. I also gave to leather seats a good cleaning. Tomorrow I'll tackle the headliner. I already leave my window open allday.
