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Somebody Give Me a Diagram


New Member
February 4, 2008
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Live Oak, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
91 Eddie Bauer
I have a 91 Eddie Bauer 4X4 that the brake lights are not working on. I changed the bulb to rule that out but I have no owners manual and dont know what fuse controls the brake lights. I have tail lights, turn signals, back-up lights everything except brake. In fact the only other component that doesnt work is the dome lights but I have not checked the bulbs in there yet. What # is the fuse for the brake lamps on a 91???? Also where can I find an owners manual? Either a computer file or hard copy would work..... Thanks

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For the diagram your best bet is to invest the 20 bucks for the Chiltons manual. You can pick it up at your local auto parts store. Mine has saved me several times. The other thing to check is your brake light switch. It's located on the linkage of the brake pedal under the dash. It has 2 wires going to it, always hot and when you step on the brake it makes the connection and sends power to the lights.

The Brake lights are on fuse 1 under the dash and also power the Hazard (4 way) flashing lamps. If you Hazard lights work, it's not the fuse.

By the way, I used my Chiltons manual to get you this information :thumbsup:

Have you tried the brake switch located behind the pedal? Maybe its sticking or knocked off to the side..

ya brake switch like derocha said could be your problem. when i first got my trk i had same problem seems like the factory put it in a bad place an i had just kicked it with my foot an it was unhooked has online repair guides with wireing diagrams which includes the list of fuses.


I am having a similar problem, only my HAZARDS aren't working....and my brake lights will work then not then work again....I replaced the brake light switch, and still the same. Everything else works, headlights, taillights, reverse lights, turn signal lights, but when I try to turn on the hazards, NOTHING.

Just another (free) idea for wiring diagrams. Use your library card to access your county library online system. Likely auto repair manuals are available there.

In my area, I actually prefer the library information, at least on some vehicles.
