Something is blowing the big 30A PCM fuse. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Something is blowing the big 30A PCM fuse.


Well-Known Member
December 31, 2007
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Year, Model & Trim Level
1995 Ford Explorer
Hi, been on it all night. Found the EEC big 30A fuse keep blowing which cause no fuel to the fuel pump. Tried three new fuse and it blows as soon as I turn the key. Any idea where to look next?

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Never mind. Been tracing all wire harnesses and found the problem. Something you'll never never expect. Truck starts right up. Thank you all!:D

One big wire loom was touching the exhaust manifold and melted through the black/red and yellow/white wires. I've friction taped and tied them aside and wholah!

so im having the same issue and cant really find anything with burnt through wires...where exactly was your problem?
