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Speaker wiring question


Well-Known Member
March 15, 2005
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Atlanta, GA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'00 XLT
I am installing a 4-channel Alpine amp. Will I notice a difference if I decide not to run all new speaker wire to my speakers? I was planning to just use the factory speaker wires, but I read somewhere that they will not make the speakers sound that great. What should I do?

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It all depends on the wattage of the amp. Anything over 400 watts would DEFINITELY require rewiring. Personally, I would rewire them no matter what, but tat becomes a bit involved. Wire it up, try it, see how it sounds and then go from there.

that and the fact that getting the factory speaker wire to the amp is going to be intresting.

There is a 1,000 reasons to run new wire and really no reason not to.

There are reasons not to, headaches, more **** you mess with more stuff to mess up, time ect ect. All you do is run the wires from the amp either straight to your amp bypass or up behind the cd player, not a biggie, much less involved than rewiring your car.

I am with monmix and powerbyte. You really should rewire. And it isnt all that hard. In fact I think you will find it doesnt take long at all.

jeff96 said:
There are reasons not to, headaches, more **** you mess with more stuff to mess up, time ect ect. All you do is run the wires from the amp either straight to your amp bypass or up behind the cd player, not a biggie, much less involved than rewiring your car.

RCA from HU to amp, 12v to amp, trigger to amp, four pairs of wire from amp to speakers. Not a lot of links in that chain.
WAY less trace time if need may be.

In your set up, you have the same.
Amp gets 12v, RCA from HU, trigger from HU, and now you have to send the amplified signal from the amp to the factory harness and then to the speakers.

Sorry to disagree but I do not see how your method is easier and / or better.

Yours is the more quality install so long as you upgrade to a larger wire and are able to put the door panels back on as tight as they were (most people break or lose one of those damn plastic bolts everytime). But since i had the back panel off where the stock amplifier is i just chose to use the amplifier bypass and not run wire though the doors. I'm only running 27watts rms to each speaker hopefully the factory wiring can handle it. My way would save him a bit of time if he was installing the amp anywhere around the stock amp location as he would only have a foot or so to run wire.

Okay I understand.

If your going to do it you may as well do it right. If you remove the panels with a tool, you really shouldn't have a lot of the plastic push clips to replace. And if you do any auto store has 5 packs for cheap. If you pulling the door panels to upgrade the speakers there is very little reason not to run some new wire.

I bought a tool from crutchfield that removes the door panels without breaking those little plastic pieces. I'm replacing all the speakers, so I at going to run 16 gauge wire to all the speakers in the process. I'm looking at the speaker/amp install to take about 2-3 hours. That is after I install my new Kenwood KVT-715DVD. :D I'll be sure to post pics, especially ones of the install process. Thanks for all the opinions though.

My HU, eq, 2 amps, distro, 4-speakers, 2 tweets, and sub, compleate set up. Every thing from the ground up. Took me a weekend and a half ( three full days ), but I took my time and did every thing right.
