How to: - Speedometer Gear Color Code Specification Chart With Formulas, And Ford Part Numbers. | Page 4 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How to: Speedometer Gear Color Code Specification Chart With Formulas, And Ford Part Numbers.

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Check for skinned insulation in the steering column. Wiring could get pulled, and cause intermittent shorts from the tilt mechanism. I've read about this problem in Gears Magazine. It happended on an Econoline 350 motorhome.

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The PCM converts this signal to a vehicle speed value, and stores that value in RAM memory. The PCM uses this value to aid in controlling torque converter lock-up, coolant fan control, vehicle speed control, air/fuel ratio, and ignition timing.

You dont know how happy I was when I read this in your post.. the simple replacement of my VSS could fix problems I have been trying to track down for over a year. My speedo needle occaisonally pulses, my CC doesnt work 98% of the time, and I have lost TCC lock up in my A4LD. I thought I was looking at multiple repairs for these problems and gave up, hopefully this is all it is. When i get around to replacing the VSS I will post if it fixed my problems.

Thanks again for the great write up/compilation,

- Jack

33" Tires and 4.56 Gear Ratio

33" Tires and 4.56 Gear Ratio. Help. By my calculations, I need a gear that doesn't exist.

Right now I have a black, 20 tooth gear in my t-case. When I had 31s and 3.73s, my speedo was perfect. Now, with 33s and 4.56s, my speedo is 10mph fast at 55mph (it reads 65mph). Because of this, my transmission doesn't shift when it should.

From my research, the 4406 tcase (like all other ford t-cases) uses an 8 tooth drive gear.

Now here is where it gets weird:
According to BFG's site, my old 31x10.5s (actual diameter 30.7") rotated 677 Revs/Mile

According to Interco's site, my new 33x12.5s (actual diameter 33.0")rotate 678 Revs/Mile

Question 1: How can a tire which is 2.3" larger in diameter rotate 1 MORE time during a mile. That makes no sense mathetmatically. It should rotate significantly less. One of these F'ers is lying to me, my guess is Interco

With my old tires:
Driven Gear Teeth = (Drive Gear Teeth x Axle Ratio x Tire Rev. Per Mile) / 1000.

20.2 = 8 [drive gear] x 3.73 [axle ratio] x 677 [BFG 31" revs/mile] /1000

Which is why the 20 tooth black gear worked. So that confirms:
1) I have an 8 tooth drive gear
2) BFG's 677 revs/mile figure seems right.

Now, with my new setup:

New Gear Teeth = 8 [drive gear] x 4.56 [axle ratio] x 636 [BFG 33" revs/mile] /1000

New Gear Teeth = 23.3

Which is double checked by the equation:
New Teeth = (Current Teeth x Speedo Reading)/Actual Speed.
23.6 [New Teeth] = 20 [current teeth] x 65 [speedo reading] / 55 [actual speed]

So it seems I need a 23 tooth speedo gear.

Question 2: It seems Ford does not make a 23 tooth speedo gear. What Should I do? What have people done?

...You paid $200 bucks plus...:eek:

...Sorry, I never seen your post or I would have had to have a gathering which included lots of beer, in order to decipher the mathematical equations you sat before us...:p:..:chug:

...Buy it now price is $199 and winning bid was :eek:..$0.10...Are you kidding me???

...If you bought that for 10 cents plus shipping, you are my new hero...:notworthy:

$10.10 is what I paypaled him. The auction said new-in-box. We shall see when it arrives, I'll let you all know how it goes.

I'm still in shock.

Great info,
I guess my VSS may has internal problem, its worth openig & even replacing to eleminate my speedo meter needle falling to 0 some times & hard gear shifting.
Thanks a lots guys,,
Cheersssss !!!

Hello Jack ,
I am going through the same night mare, Please let me know if you fix the VSS & problem is gone ??


VSS Problem,

Hello There,
I am facing excetly the same problem as Jack & Russel faces in the past around 2005, Speedo meter needle is dead, Engine Service yellow light is lit, O/D is flashing, after reading this threat I have checked VSS ohms value its 229.7 ohms. Looks ok, also tried shuffling wires & connector, but still the problem persist any further advise will help!!

Sorry mate, may sound stupid, I don’t know how can I get fault code? Please explain,

You have to scan the computer to see what the trouble codes are. A check engine light or a flashing overdrive light represent a stored code in the computer. This is the way that the computer indicates that there is a problem.

Hello every One!!!
Just to share my feeling with all of you, My Fordy is back on the road,
I bought new VSS & checked its resistance was 230 Ohms, where else mine old VSS has 229.7 Ohms, gave me feelings nothing wrong with it, hence decided to check complete harness FOUND both wire were short & twisted, used insulation tape to fixed wires; Removed Battery wired 15minutes to reset Engine Service alarm. Guess what all is hunky dory even with old VSS.
Big Thanks to all of you guys specially administrator & members for their great support!!

Cheers !!!

What if the odometer is off? Does this change anything? I used a mileage check section, and 1.0 mile driven = 1.1 miles on the odometer

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...Those markers are pretty much useless so I wouldn't worry about it..

...You could borrow somebody's GPS for a day or 2 and get a better idea of your speed vs. speedometer ...Since I got my GPS I know my X is right on the money while my Ranger is dead on till 50 mph...Then I am doing 55...:)

...If you can do 65 and be within 1-2 mph, no sweat...;)
