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sport bites the dust.

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You interested in sellin your fogs?
If the vehicle is indeed written off I doubt that any parts will be allowed to be sold off by owner (former owner).


Sucks. Glad everyone is ok

Well spoke to the collision adjuster and he said that in his opinion they will more than likely repair it. Wife spoke to an attorney today, and she brought up the diminished value claim. Told us once it's repaired he would start that claim as well.

Maybe you could let the adjuster know about the diminshed value claim BEFORE the Explorer is fixed. The diminshed value amount may be enough to push the claim up enough for the vehicle to be "totaled". Just a thought.


Alright well found out it's totaled. Now time to wait a couple months for our ordered one to come in.


  • Screenshot_2015-06-10-17-09-16.jpg
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Wow, that's too bad but gave it's life for yours RIP.

Side question- Would you get the tune again on the next one?

Wow, that's too bad but gave it's life for yours RIP.

Side question- Would you get the tune again on the next one?

Yeah man I'm actually going to email them so they can un marry the tuner from the sport.So I can use it on the new one, since its the same motor and all. But i would recommend them, also use them on my 15 stang gt.
