Spring is here. Supercharger installation time is coming. Lets talk about cooling fans | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Spring is here. Supercharger installation time is coming. Lets talk about cooling fans


Elite Explorer
April 14, 2007
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Year, Model & Trim Level
'00 Ford Explorer LTD AWD
So spring is here and I'm getting ready to install my Supercharger on Big White. Since reading through some old threads there is a potential for an issue to come from the stock belt driven cooling fan (balance issues with the new pulley, etc) I am thinking of going with an electric cooling fan solution.

Any recommendations for me? Looking for a bullet proof solution for any driving situation I might encounter and functions as OEM as possible.


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I am on my probably 10th e-fan setup on a 5.0. Reliability does not come with an e-fan until its been tested in all situations. My most bullet proof setup was a dual fan out of a mercury cougar (00-02 years) and a normal high and low relay setup. Right now I'm running a fan out of a 2010 Ford Fusion (19" 4 speed PWM controlled relay w/soft turn on) and my own home made controller. I am still dialing it in and fixing little bugs slowly but using that fan and factory relay lets me run 4 different speeds. Right now it is setup on a high/low relay system with adjustable controls on each relay letting me choose 1 of the 4 speeds. It also took some creativity to get it mounted to my 2 core radiator including a plastic welder and a burr bit to clearance around the water pump snout.

Long story short is get a fan that fits, flows over 2400 cfm and buy a nice controller for it. Then wire an external relay to power on the fan so you dont run all the current through the controllers relay (most are only rated at 30a or 40a). I included a pic of my controller below to give you an idea but the wiring and relays have changed since that pic.



The slim 3.5" space(maybe) for a fan is tight for any common fans. The OEM fans that are very slim are the best bets. I have an aftermarket Flexlite model 195(I think(and $300)) without controller, to put in. Another member did install that one years ago, in AZ, and it works for him. I'd hunt that thread for the best aftermarket example.

If you choose the thinner radiator, it gains an inch or so more space. But I'm doubtful that the less coolant is good for a high heat environment. I'm sticking with the full thickness radiators.

I have a chev hhr fan installed with a 2 core radiator. If you go this route, be careful as there are two different styles of fans. Use the doorman 621-448 style, as the other style wont move enough air. For a controller I use a dccontrols FK75 unit. Soft start, no cooling issues.
It's still a tight fit, being super close to the water pump. I have thought about grinding part of that water pump snout off.


Just more ideas for you on what seems to be working.

I am on my probably 10th e-fan setup on a 5.0. Reliability does not come with an e-fan until its been tested in all situations. My most bullet proof setup was a dual fan out of a mercury cougar (00-02 years) and a normal high and low relay setup.
How did you set up the shroud with the dual fan Cougar setup? I've got a similar Contour fan in the basement that's going in the Explorer but don't have a plan for the shroud yet. Thanks!

How did you set up the shroud with the dual fan Cougar setup? I've got a similar Contour fan in the basement that's going in the Explorer but don't have a plan for the shroud yet. Thanks!

I'm pretty sure I used 3/4 angle aluminum on the "sides" of the Cougar fan and mounted it up and down on the explorer radiator. So basically the fans were stacked on top of each other.

Interesting. So you left the entire existing plastic shroud intact, rotated it 90*, and used the aluminum to hold it in place. Did you extend it to the sides to cover the rest of the radiator?

I'm interested also, always looking for a better way.
Here's a pic with dimensions on that mercury fan:

I'm looking for actual depth measurements of the hhr fan, but can't seem to find it. Its cold and ****ty here, so I don't want to go out and measure mine.
BoominX, can you remember if the 24 inches fit nicely on the radiator? If memory serves me (And it might not) we have a 24x20 canvas to work with.

I'd honestly considered just cutting the shroud apart and rotating the fan assembly about 45 degrees, then finding a way to extend what was left to cover the radiator. Never really wrapped my head around a good structurally sound way to do so (short of learning to mold fiberglass).

Contour fan over Explorer shroud.jpg

I really like that Mercury fan. Looks like a an awesome beginning, with only minor modifying of the shroud required.
Rockauto shows this fan as a 2009 Mercury Marauder. I also like the idea of massaging the existing shroud and researching how to fiberglass the existing shroud for a perfect fit.

Ditto, adhering anything to the shrouds is an issue. I built my E-fan in my 99 SOHC truck with a used Volvo fan, inside the OEM shroud. It wasn't hard to whittle the Volvo shroud to fit, but attaching it with plastic epoxy didn't hold completely. It never let go, but with it out once I could see it letting go in about half of the surface areas I epoxied.

If a there's a better way to attach to the plastic shrouds, I'd prefer grafting the OEM dual fan to the 302 shroud.



First pic is of whole assembly removed from the car on top a 5.0 2 core rad. 2nd pic is the only work in progress I can find. If you'll notice the top has been shortened as you can see the plastic welding stiching. I'll have to take some installed pics.



the setup i have on mine is a duel 11 or 12 flex a lite low profile. i believe its a black magic but i bought it so long ago i cant remember. it fits with no problem because its a low profile. i can get the belt on and off with no problems as well. it has a digital controller that you can also set to turn on at a certain temp. it also has a delay on it so if your truck is hot, when you turn the key, they will not start running for about 5-10 seconds so it will not draw on the batter while you are starting it.

We put Taurus fans in Full Size Bronco's, but the radiator is a different size. I am going to get radiator dimensions and hit the wrecking yard. I am pretty sure I can operate the fan off of the PCM with a Tweecer.

I am hoping to eliminate the stock fan and run another crank pulley for the blower. Will get some time this spring to get into it and see what will work.

We put Taurus fans in Full Size Bronco's, but the radiator is a different size. I am going to get radiator dimensions and hit the wrecking yard. I am pretty sure I can operate the fan off of the PCM with a Tweecer.

I am hoping to eliminate the stock fan and run another crank pulley for the blower. Will get some time this spring to get into it and see what will work.
There's no room for another pulley. The distance from the radiator to the WP mounting pad is about 4", and the threads of the WP are forward of that another 1/2" or so. The fan only has about 3.5" of space, for the original thick radiator. The newer half thick radiator gains about an inch I'd guess. Do you want to try the thin radiator with a boosted SBF?

I use the thin 2 core. No overheating issues. Other peoples results may vary though. lol.

I'm glad yours is working well. The radiator area is huge, but I'm still wary about trying that with big power and 95* Summer etc.

The bigger volume of coolant, and more coolant being cooled at any given moment with the 3 core would be more desirable for sure. Space is just so precious in that area. Vroomzoomboom's system seems to work very well with the low profile fans and the larger 3 core rad. His setup also looks very professional.

I'm aiming to work out those same details, to make it work on at least two of mine. My used Volvo fan works well on the V6, but I want a better system for the 302's, including a fan motor that's easy to come by.

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Vroomzoomboom's system seems to work very well with the low profile fans and the larger 3 core rad. His setup also looks very professional.

what can i say. im **** like that.....

here is what my set up looks like in the truck.



i stacked mine one on top of the other for a little extra room instead of putting it side by side.
btw, that is a factory 3 core rad
