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Squeaking Wheel


October 23, 2008
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 Sport
Need some help! I have an 01 sport, and there is a high ringing/squeaking coming from the front driver side wheel. At low speeds its a chirp......chirp....chirp sound. As I go faster it becomes a very loud and obnoxious ringing. It seems the longer I drive it the worse it gets, almost a grinding sound. It also seems to act up more on turns too.

I have checked the breaks with are about 2 years old, but have a lot of meat still on them. The caliper was shot and I replaced that thinking that was the problem (not so much). I replaced the hub assembly about 2 years ago also. The rotors have no major defects that I can see. So before I start doing the buy and try method, does anyone have any other ideas on what it could be. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!

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From your description i'd have to say it's the hub bearing assembly seeing as you say it gets worse during turns. Jack up the truck and check both hubs. Let us know what you find.

Probably the hub bearing again. LIft it and and spin the wheel, feel angry grinding or hear any sounds? Any play when when you try to shift the wheel while holding it at 12 and 6 oclock positions?

No play in the wheel, I just replace the tie rod ends about 2 months ago. There is grinding sounds once and a while. I just want to make sure before I go and buy a new hub bearings.

Check your brakes again, your sliders might not be allowing the pads to release fully and your rotors could also have a slight warp to them. I'm still leaning towards the hubs.

do you have hidden stick on balance weights? mine was doing the same thing, the weights could be scraping the caliper assembly

Ok, so I have checked everything and all is good but the noise is still there. A friend told me it could be the U joint. Anyone have this happen?

A u-joint in the drive shaft going bad can squeak. I had one go bad and it sounded like I was dragging chains.

I just checked the U-joints and there is no play in them. I have no idea what the hell is making the noise. Its a loud grinding noise now. If the truck sits for awhile and then driven it take a few miles before it starts making noise. I think its coming from the back now, but I'm so burn out on this thing that I have no idea!
