starting problems | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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starting problems


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February 5, 2002
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94 Explorer
Maybe someone can give me some help. I have a 94 X/4.0 and im having starting problems. When I turn the key, nothing happens (engine doesnt crank). There is a single "click" coming from the selenoid. I just recently changed out the hot battery cable and selenoid. I'm thinking its the starter but up to now, it gave me no idications it was failing. Does anyone have any suggestions.
Mahalo, Makaii

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Do the dash lights go out when you hear the click? Battery connections need to be CLEAN and TIGHT.

Aloha Jim.
I forgot to mention the specifics about the battery. The
voltage appeared in the very low normal range on the dash. The vehicle appears to have power to all the accessories. The light indicators on the dash do dim when I attempt to start the car.
Thanks for the help,

Oh and the battery is only 3moths old (Walmart)

Well, we know your problem isn't due to cold weather ;) . If your voltmeter is showing low to start with, I'd either charge the battery (most preferable) or see if the car will jump start (less preferable - do they even have booster cables in Hawaii??).

Try one of those two options first, before springing for a starter..... Many times I have seen alternator problems manifest themselves as starter woes so we need to work carefully here.

Mahalo Jim,
As we type, the battery is on a charger. I tried jump starting the car and tried using a booster. No luck. Im going to see what happens after charging up the battery. Next option is removing the starter/Alt and having it tested. Thanks for the imput.

Let me know how it works out..... here in the frigid north it is not uncommon for someone to spend a lot of time boosting a car only to find their cables are not up to the job. I also see climate having a greater effect on vehicle failures than ever before.

Some problems that I see, on lists such as this, that others find common are things I don't see where I live (about the same latitude as Ketchican, Alaska if that helps). Where I live, alternators seem to outsell starters 2 to 1.....


Got under the car this morning to remove the starter and guess what I found..a loose wire (selenoid connection) tighened it up and bingo, car started right up. Boy was my wallet happy///


Glad to hear you found it! Cheapest fix is always the best fix of all!
