Stock heads--GT40? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Stock heads--GT40?


September 3, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Colorado Springs, CO
Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 Mountaineer
Is it true the stock heads on a explorer or mounty are GT 40 heads along with the intake? I knew the intake was, but not the heads?:eek: Can I port these and the intake and what kind of gains can be made from them?

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Yup.. its true. Your's are actually the GT40-Ps. If you ship your heads to james t, along with $800, he can give em to a guy who will port you 50HP.

$800?! That is way too much. Maybe $5-600. I know a guy on Stangnet who guys by the sn of Thumper.

Yeah.. that was his 'stranger' price. If you dress up like james and go to his house he'll only charge you $500. But I'm sure that extra $300 is made up in other ways you're not quite used to or comfortable with.

you have GT-40p's, and that price includes just a little more than porting. :D

very capable stock head, but dont even bother unless you're gonna have them cut for bigger valves. also, the intake is a GT-40 lower, with a "sorta" Cobra upper. the explorer upper is alot like the Cobra in flow rates and design.

So what else does it include? And what would it cost to do it right?

look at spending $500-800 on all the work from someone who knows their stuff (re- no guys in a basement with a die grinder). this is not only porting, but-

removing the bump in the exhaust port, cut them for 1.94" / 1.6" valves (one piece swirl polished with stem length proper length so it doesn't change geometry), working the bowls and short-side radius, deshrouding the valves in the combustion chamber, and a 5 angle valve job … (plus hand working the ports / valve guides ..etc…) ported with small runner volume to keep velocity up (read no 'hogged' out porting).

On N/A setup they should easily be worth 50hp over stock heads.

Hey, thanks for asking this question. I have wanted to ask this for a long time and I have a question to add. I used to have a fast mustang and have good people to do headwork, but will all this work be good when I put the stock headers back on?? Thank you in advance.

yes and no. they will still spank stock heads, just not as much as if you had some real headers. as with any other good mod on an explorer, eventually the headers (either stock or FMS) are gonna hold you back.
