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Stop your trendy patriotism

I never said that all wars have been the solution. Civil War is the most horrible thing that i can think of. Im sure that most of the people in aphganistan dont want anything to do with a war with the US.

Yes I have watched the news. number 1 its the only thing on. Number 2 i try to get the most clear news cast with the most reporting on what is actually happenning as opposed to commentary. watching shows like face the nation, and the special with ted kopel and all of the leaders was some of the more informative reports i have seen. i havent heard anyone of any politcal inportance say "we should bomb the whole country of aphganistan and go to war with them" i have heard them indicate that special forces will be used to eliminate those determined to be involved. this will obvioiusly lead to larger scale conflicts but if you reacall the gulf war we didnt go blasting neighborhoods, we hit bomb factories and refineries and strategic locations. not to say that innocents werent killed but it wasnt like we went on a violent murderous rampage pouring their blood into the sand.

have YOU watched the world news? is the question. today Sharom is here dedicating his resources to assist in this conflict. tommorro tony blair. the day after the guy from indonesia. russia and others have all basically said we are behind you. we have had only one congressperson speak against war and that was a woman from california (i cant hink of her name.) we have only had a few hesitancies from europian countries. most have pledged full support for whatever action we determine. you also have to keep in mind that right now the president is drumming up patriotism with bold statements to instill strength. i do not believe that we are going to go haywire. but i do believe that we will have a well thought out desicive military action.

remember who made the first move. much like the way we are debating right now with thought out responses america will think its move out before it is made.

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a little "moderation"???

Originally posted by rpenner54

"Castro, Sadam, Laden. They have ALL been alies/CIA helper people at one time or another."

"Israel and Palestine are both countries that have been fighting since the begging of time. "

"Afganastan is a country right?"

"Has anyone bothered to watch World News? Try it sometime."

You need to chill. Your perception of the facts speak for themselves. You are entitled to that.
However, making statments like the last quoted above does nothing to fortify your position. It is an offensive remark that suggests only you are informed and knowledgable.
Instead of talking BS then apologizing at the end, review your post before sending and adjust as appropriate.

Don't make me tell the Moderator... ;)

Ok... This is starting to heat up, so I'm just going to drop it. However, some of you wanted to know how I am an engineer at 18, so I am going to give a plug on my school :D

I go to Kettering University in Flint, MI, which used to be called General Motors Institute. It is a very unique school in the sense that it is a Co-op University, one of the few in the nation. It is also a year round program; I don't get a summer vacation and the only days I get off are holidays. Every three months I rotate from school to work, work to school, etc. While I am at school I carry 19-23 credit hours which is actually about 25-30 hours of class a week.

While I am at work, I am an engineer at the Ford Livonia Transmission Plant. Each term or "rotation" I am assigned to a different department or section of the plant and given a unique job assignment. Past assingments have been to correctly install million dollar machines in 2 weeks, and then do specific testing for the following 2 months. Those of you out there that are Manufacturing Engineers know how much of a pain it can be to update equipment and all the fittings, etc. On top of that, most of our equipment in the plant have to run at a part spec of plus or minus .003". Once again, not an easy task.
My current job assignment is to design and implement a plant wide preventive maintenance schedule for all of the ABB robots in the plant. Some might think that is easy, but let me tell you, it's not. Our plant is the biggest manufacturng plant Ford owns; about 385 acres under the roof and holds about 115 ABB robots. To make it worse, they are not all the same; there are 6 different models. There are a lot of steps in implementing a PM schedule, but I will not get into them (I'm sure you don't care). Each robot is worth hundreds of thousands of dollars, and I, an 18 year old, am in charge of making sure that they last as long as possible.

Just a quick note to defend myself... Our plant makes all of the rear-wheel drive transmissions and a very small % of the front WD. The Van Dyke plant makes the FWD trannys, and just to let you know, they don't have any Kettering Students working there.

on you rlast post... i was posting while you were posting so mine wont quite sound logical after yours. i enjoy the fact that we can discuss openly clearly. i dont think that anybody should followup with statements liek "chill out" or any kind of name calling. everyone is pationate about this and that is a good thing. your are right its time to take a break and go get a big fat texas bacon bbq chedder burger from denny's. man o man.

sounds like you have a wonderful position. sounds like even if you have a layoff or worse in a few years you will have a full education. now maybe we can get you to put in a word about the A4LD transmission as it sucks.

Originally posted by BUCHVILLEMAN
now maybe we can get you to put in a word about the A4LD transmission as it sucks.


Well.... my '95 X tranny was rebuilt at 78K....

After reading all of these comments I just had to get back in to this one.

First, I agree with not going to a full out war over this, as we've seen war in the past. This is prior to the the Gulf war. I believe this battle will be won via special forces and a little terrorism of our own on the people responsible and their followers. This is not done here in the states either, I believe this will get more personal than anyone thinks. We still have many, many targets that are just sitting and waiting the day. Train stations, busses, water sources, etc....

I feel our young people in this country got the idea of war from the Gulf war, you all were between the ages of 8 and 12 and you saw the US go in an kick butt, we had the enemy surrenduring to drone planes with cameras, you saw bombs being driven in to door ways from our aircraft. You and everyone saw a technical war that saved many lives with minimum cost, in the past it was all or nothing. If we didn't fight our wars in the past I'm afraid we would all be speaking German right now so please don't go there, let's talk about the future.

Just my thoughts,

And on the lighter side, I do believe the transmissions suck!

And not only will I be mourning my wedding aniversary on 9/14 but the entire nation will be mourning with me:)

Re: a little "moderation"???

Originally posted by wabbit

However, making statments like the last quoted above does nothing to fortify your position. It is an offensive remark that suggests only you are informed and knowledgable.
Instead of talking BS then apologizing at the end, review your post before sending and adjust as appropriate.

Actually I thought he asked a question and he didn't give an offensive remark... The question was "does anyone watch world news?" And then he stated "Try it sometime." I see nothing offensive about it. :D

I agree with Troy regarding Ryans "world news" quote. I believe (and Ryan, please correct me if I am wrong) that he is saying we need to see what is happening to us from a different perspective. Generally, we only see/hear what the US media wants us to. Watching the BBC or World News if you have access does give a very different perspective. These are people on the outside looking in. Not just at the US, but at news around the world that we never hear about. I watched some of the BBC coverage of this tragedy, and found it refreshing, because they touched on points that I did not see on mainstream US coverage.

As for the original gist of this thread.... There will always be bandwagon jumpers. Let's just hope that the scope and nature of this tragedy truly sinks in, and people don't start jumping off when the coverage is relagated to 2 minute blurbs on TV and a paragraph or two in the paper......

Originally posted by TPLYNCH
I agree with Troy regarding Ryans "world news" quote. I believe (and Ryan, please correct me if I am wrong) that he is saying we need to see what is happening to us from a different perspective. Generally, we only see/hear what the US media wants us to. Watching the BBC or World News if you have access does give a very different perspective. These are people on the outside looking in. Not just at the US, but at news around the world that we never hear about. I watched some of the BBC coverage of this tragedy, and found it refreshing, because they touched on points that I did not see on mainstream US coverage.

Yep thats what I meant. Its really hard to set a tone via writting on a board. I probably look really weird when I sit here and do facial expresions while I write. Sometimes hand motions too... LOL

Wabbit all I really wanted people to do was watch it. It is very intresting if you can understand most of it. Some of the people on there are VERY VERY heavy accented so I find myself turning up the TV so I can hear them better. Then it blasts me latter.

I really don't have much else to say as I have said most of it...

i think this act of terrorism is the "wake-up call" that America needs. i think people are starting to realize what a truly great country we live in.

Great comment tac0meat! People ask me why I don't have or ever needed a passport, I've been telling them for years that why should I go to another country when we have such a beautiful country right here!

i totally agree with you on the news. we get watered down opinions and human interest stories as opposed to actual facts and hard news that pertains to the grander scheme of things. i like the news and as far as cable i like fox news it seems less biased than cnn. bbc is good. and i keep it npr on most of the time im in the x. i personally dont need to see a person in their most dire hour jumping from a building a hundred times. it broke my heart the first time.

damn, this thread grew fast. this is the first time i've seen it, and its 5 pages. well i only read the first and last pages. i can see everyone makes a good point. but i dont understand about the bad transmission thing (i have the 5 speed manual, so hopefully it's stonger than the auto;) )

No biggie, thanks for the clarification.

It was unclear that you were referring to world news broadcast from outside the US. My interpretation was ie: World News with Peter Jennings, etc. As we both can see, the comment takes on a different tone dependent on that distinction.

Yikes, this thread really took off... Teach me to go to bed..

For those of you who don't remember I'm the guy who started this mess. While the conversations are good it appears that the original thread has run its course.

In closing, my original gripe was only directed to those who have jumped on the bandwagon now that patriotism is fashionable. These are the same folks who are buying Red-White-Blue clothing and decorations at Nordstroms to support their country while not paying taxes. They are the folks who are going to not support our troops and protest about the images of war/battle as they are too graphic and cruel plus it interupts Drew Carry.. I'm not pointing fingers, they know who they are. Next week/month they will be supporting something else. Like Save The ****roaches because it is the new "thing to do"

It is not a issue of flying a flag or joining the military. Patriotism is standing by your country when you are proud of its actions and when you are not. Patriotism is Rick's wife teaching our nations children in spite of no pay, no respect and society now asking her to raise and care for the children. Patriotism is those serving their country (military and civillian) and not complaining about it. Patriotism is supporting those serving our country and not complaining about it..

If you are a "new or reborn" patriot all I ask is that you never forget this feeling of pride you hold for your country.

Nuff said.

Best regards.

Re: No biggie, thanks for the clarification.

Originally posted by wabbit
It was unclear that you were referring to world news broadcast from outside the US. My interpretation was ie: World News with Peter Jennings, etc. As we both can see, the comment takes on a different tone dependent on that distinction.

Ah no, sorry... Dangit man can't you read my mind! LOL I was thinking BBC as I wrote that. However I didn't write it... LOL Ah well.... I have accually watched more BBC then any other news just because the other people don't give the whole picture all the time. Also if you go to you can find a huge long long long page full of people writting in about this whole thing. Some of them even from the middle east. Its very very intresting to see what the world is saying on there even.

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I dont see people who are buying flags as a problem. The thing that goes up my ass is stores that usually werent carrying any flags are now selling them trying to make a profit on what has happened. There is a store near my house that sells nothing but flags and that is all they ever sold so i have no problem with him making money off of the deal becuase that is what he does.
But there little convienence stores that never had a flag and they had a ****load of them the day after hoping to make a profit.
