Strange Sound From Driver Front Axle | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Strange Sound From Driver Front Axle


Well-Known Member
February 7, 2010
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'94 Explorer XLT
I am posing a question to everyone. My Exploder has been making a sound every since I have had it. I live on top a hill, when driving up my gravel drive (with all it's ruts and dips) the driver's side front axle makes a sound almost like the sound of a power steering pump that is low on fluid. It only does it when the drivers side is bounced upwards. I have never really worried about it because this is the only time it does it. I have made lots of repairs to my vehicle since I have owned it. The list for the front is as follows: new passenger's spindle, rebuilt driver's spindle, new front wheel bearings, Warn manual hub conversion, new radius arm bushings, new radius arm mount on passenger's side.

It does this whether in 4 wheel or 2 wheel. I have suspected maybe the transfer case, as mine has a little rattle to it anyway, maybe a worn chain. But it is hard to tell, because I can't drive the vehicle and be under it at the same time. Just hanging out the window it sounds like it comes from the driver's side area. Anyone seen any posts on this or had the same issue.

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I'd say double check the radius arm bushings, then look into the status of the ball joints. If they are factory original chances are the lower ball joint is worn and loose and clunking around. You can check by jacking up the front tires, then pulling on the bottom of the tire, or putting a long pipe or piece of wood under the front tire, then looking at the tire and ball joint from the front, pulling up to see if there's movement.

Use top quality lifetime ball joint replacements from Napa/Raybestos/McQuay-Norris and hopefully it'll be a one-time job.

I will check the ball joints. But the sound isn't a clunk or click, it is a whiney power steering type of sound. Sorry, but that is the only thing I can compare it to.

I will check the ball joints. But the sound isn't a clunk or click, it is a whiney power steering type of sound. Sorry, but that is the only thing I can compare it to.

If that's what it sounds like, have you checked it? Our PS pump is notorious for whining. Make sure there is enough fluid in the reservoir since the noise is most noticeable on an incline.

Maybe the power steering pump IS low on fluid, or something other than Type F ATF may have been used in it and it's on the way out.

The shocks could make a scraping/squeaking sound on a bumpy road, and the rear leaf springs can squeak really loud, both from the plastic friction pads wearing away and allowing metal/metal contact between the springs, and the rubber bushings in the spring eyelets eventually getting old.

Maybe the power steering pump IS low on fluid, or something other than Type F ATF may have been used in it and it's on the way out.

The shocks could make a scraping/squeaking sound on a bumpy road, and the rear leaf springs can squeak really loud, both from the plastic friction pads wearing away and allowing metal/metal contact between the springs, and the rubber bushings in the spring eyelets eventually getting old.

New steering gear installed spring 2012, fresh Type F fluid. Fluid level is fine. I will keep checking for the culprit.

It's sloppy in Kentucky right now. Snow melting with rain. I appreciate the ideas. Hopefully we will get a couple of nicer days this week to look into some of them.

I haven't changed pumps. Just the gear box.

Once it starts whining, does it stop right away or does it continue to whine until you turn the vehicle off for a while?
