Strange turn signal issue on new sport | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Strange turn signal issue on new sport


Well-Known Member
September 30, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
The Wilds of New Jersey
Year, Model & Trim Level
00 XLT, 02 Sport, 03 XLT
Been a while since I've posted thankfully the fleet has been running well. My youngest daughter just got her drivers license so I am giving her my 2000 xlt and bought an 02 sport with a 5 speed. It runs and looks great but when I put on the left turn signal it intermitantly does that double speed click like a bulb is out. It seems to be influenced by the position of the steering wheel. Has anybody had a problem like this with the turn signal switch?

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Try pulling the bottom cover off the steering column and pushing the multifunction switch connector in to fully seat it. If that fixes the problem, try to create some extra slack in the harness to the switch.

Yep, sounds like an "MFS" problem (Judging that you checked all blinker bulbs and have none out :p:), MFS is the multifunction switch (or the blinker stalk), theyre notorious for going bad on our X'es some needing replaced, some just needing a cleaning on the contacts. Try what scucci said, and post back if it fixed it.

Excellent, I'll give that a go in the next day or two and reply back. I'm assuming I'll have to pull the steering wheel to replace the switch if it comes to that, right?

Excellent, I'll give that a go in the next day or two and reply back. I'm assuming I'll have to pull the steering wheel to replace the switch if it comes to that, right?

No the wheel does not need to be removed, the multifunction switch is mounted on the column, not in the steering wheel.

The tabs that hold pins in electrical connector break and allow the wire to pull out of connector at mf switch.

Went out this morning and took the lower column cover off checked connections which seemed okay and douched the inside of switch with wd 40. Not sure what fixed it but now it's great, thanks all.
