strong sour gas smell | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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strong sour gas smell


Well-Known Member
March 8, 2009
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City, State
Marina, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1994 explorer 157k miles
when i get out of the explorer i get a whiff of sour gas smell like in front of the explorer and right where the drivers wheel well is. i dont think its the canester. i checked for gas leaks i dont see any.

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I have the same smell, its kinda a burnt wine smell. sour is a good way to discribe it.

Its only present in the summer, on cold days I don't smell it.

Anyone know what might be causing it?

...Just a guess as I can't smell it but from the location description I would guess the canister is full=shot, and can no longer absorb vapors...

...Usually you will also have a stored code for the SPV (Solenoid Purge Valve)...I would also check the rubber line from the canister down to where it meets the metal fuel vapor line at the frame rail running by the fuel filter...This line tends to rot from the inside out but also leaves rubber balls in the line to clog it up...

...This is my guess and only a guess..:D

I have this same problem with my 94 Eddie. The canister purge solenoid is bad. I have not replaced it yet to see if it will help, but it makes sence. The valve does not open and the canister gets saturated with fumes as they cannot be drawn into the intake. They have no place to go except into the air.

My limited did the same thing when I first got it. Although it had not been driven in about two months until I got it. It quit smelling right after I drove it to work a couple of days.

As tbars said you should get a code for the Canister purge solenoid. It will not set the check engine light. It should be in the stored codes, KOEO.

See what you get

i pulled the canister out and no gas came out. i havent ran the codes yet though.

So with this problem, does the whole canister have to be replaced or just the Canister Purge Solenoid?

With the hot weather its been smeeling really strong lately. :fart:

So with this problem, does the whole canister have to be replaced or just the Canister Purge Solenoid?

With the hot weather its been smeeling really strong lately. :fart:
LOL. I smell it when its warming up in the morning and after im driving it. not all the time though. im always thinking my car gonna blow up.

As tbars said you should get a code for the Canister purge solenoid. It will not set the check engine light. It should be in the stored codes, KOEO.
My experience with these is that you will only get a code if the fault is electrical. If the circuit is intact, but the solenoid is mechanically stuck closed, you won't get a code. In addition to pulling codes, I would also use the output state test and a vacuum pump to make sure the CANP solenoid can open when told to.

So with this problem, does the whole canister have to be replaced or just the Canister Purge Solenoid?

With the hot weather its been smeeling really strong lately. :fart:

X2 on the canister. or atleast the purge valve. i also noticed alot of other cars reak weird when its really lately. almost like gas smell. but not exactly.

you know i havent been noticeing it latley.

I have this problem, does the whole canister have to be replaced or just the Canister Purge Solenoid?

I have this problem, does the whole canister have to be replaced or just the Canister Purge Solenoid?
The canister usually does not need to be replaced (it's just a box with activated charcoal in it -- not much can go bad). If the solenoid is bad, then replacing it will fix the problem. It could also be a clogged/kinked line or an electrical fault preventing the valve from opening.

I'm sure the charcoal can loose its "activation". I'm not really sure how it works but I would imagine they can wear out. I'm sure its some sort of chemical reaction that holds the fuel vapors. And evetually it looses its effectivness. Any one on here know how these things really work?

activated charcoal is a physical absorbant. It can absorb and release gasoline indefinitely.

In saying that, I'm not saying that it can't go bad. My intention was more along the lines of, if given a random choice between canister or solenoid (as cklinejr implied), I would lay odds on the solenoid or something else long before I'd worry about the canister itself being bad.

I have the same smell and was looking at the canister the other day to see if was craked or what.

My problem is I have lost gas milage big time. It takes a quater tank to go to work and back 8 miles one way 16 round trip.

Did you guys lose fuel milage? I have no CEL, plugs look great and no miss? Kinda stumped.
