Stuck in 4X4 Low? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Stuck in 4X4 Low?


October 3, 2004
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02 xls
A weird/scary thing happened to me this morning. I started my 02 X, let it warm up. When I went to drive away it didn't feel right, it was hard to drive. Almost felt like the brakes were stuck and the steering was hard and makeing noises.
I though I had a flat but no. I finnally reset the computer (disconnected the neg. battery)then it was fine.
I think it put itself into 4X4 low. When I got home (I was at work) I put it into 4X4 high and felt fine, put it in 4X4 low and yup. Thats what I was feeling.
Has anyone herd of this, am I looking at an expencive search and repair? The warrenty is up do to high miles and I'm kinda freaking out!

Thanks :eek:

oh ya one more thing....While I was driving it in the parking lot I did push the 4x4 high button and the auto 4x4 button. It seems it just didn't want to come out of 4x4 low? Why did it go there in the first place? hummmmm

Well since no one else answered me, I'll answer myself in case someone has the same problem!
After calling around to auto shops it seems the problem is one of two things:
1. The switch or switches on the 4x4 buttons are bad or
2. the control module is bad.
#1 being the less expensive of the two......lets hope thats is it!
