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Subwoofer plug question


Well-Known Member
October 20, 2005
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Bellflower, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 explorer sport
I would like to add a aftermarket subwoofer to a stock Pioneer HU. Since my exp didn't come with the subwoofer option I went out and got the plug from the dealership. I would like to connect the wires from the plug into my amp but the wires in the plug I bought are all black. So wire color codes won't help me. I need the pin diagram to be able to wire everything together. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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These pdf's should help. I just did the same thing using an mtx tthunderform powered sub woofer. Pins 1 to 4 of the 8 pin connector are all that is needed. Pin 4 is the 5 volt amp turn on signal. I used a soundgate locb.2 to convert the differential output of the head unit to standard rca preamp level and a soundgate triglohd to convert the 5volt turn on signal to 12 volts. This also keeps the muting function working with the sub woofer amp. The output of the head unit is not a standard signal - it is a balanced differential output which must be converted to unbalanced rca pre-out level. the Locb.2 does this.

Hope this helps you


  • Metra-70-71-5700-Schem.pdf
    58.1 KB · Views: 94,713
  • 99-2001-Machsoundschem].pdf
    68.3 KB · Views: 1,037

exactly what I needed. Thank you very much.

Thanks Scucci, that is the best explanation I have heard about the odd sub signal. I also was going to need to know how to trigger my three amps soon.

I found a gentleman who only does service work on the two Pioneer (Mach, Premium) radios. Crutchfield was useless in helping to remove the mute signal, I was told that I needed some kind of transformer. After going back to the man for any better details, he suggested that he could try to pull RCA signals out before the mute signal is added, internally. He evidently succeeded, I haven't yet installed my sub to test that. Regards,

Glad I could help. I also tested the premium head unit sub woofer output and found that it is fully operational. So either the Mach or premium head units can support the 8 pin sub woofer connector.


What, are you suggesting that the Premium HU does have a fifth output? I've heard/read from everyone that there are only four full range outputs in the Premium HU. I have just started with my stereo(collecting parts), so I'm not sure yet that I like the speaker signals of the Mach being high passed. Right now I only have the four stock speaker running, and with little bass I'm wondering if the sub will fill/sound right.

When I bought the mach unit I had to make the 8 pin harness. Since I still have the original premium unit I decided to ry it out after I made sure the mach unit worked with the sub. It did. So I reinstalled the premium unit with the sub and it also worked fine, but with full range going to the door speakers. I know my premium unit is definately not a mach. So the truth is that as long as the head unit has the pins for the sub woofer output it will power the sub woofer channel. I went with the mach unit because I wanted to limit the bass going to the door speakers to 200 HZ up. The premium unit will send full range to the door speakers.


That's my wondering, I like the idea of separating the frequencies, but I haven't yet heard a high end system with it. I now have my Mach with 5 RCA outputs, but haven't had time to install the amps, speakers, and wiring yet.

What have you got for your door speakers and amplifiers? Do you like the separation now, I never new about the full range thing until I spoke to the expert about having RCA outputs installed.

I just have a set of cheapy jensen 6x8's in the doors. It's a 98 2 door sport. I have a 40 watt per channel alpine amp that I hav'nt had the chance to put in. I am running off the stock mach amp outputs for now and I find the mids and highs are much cleaner and crisper without the intermodulation distortion caused by the low frequencies going to the door speakers. The stereo separation is sharper now too. I am an old fart - I installed my first aftermarket stereo in 1966! So I don't need megawatts of power. I am getting too old for that.


Me too, I have only done one stereo, in 1980 I had a cheap $35 cassette deck, two Pioneer 5.25" speakers, and a PA200 amp. That Nakamichi amp I am installing in this truck, with 30w/ch it is extremely loud. I have a new from back then PA300(75w/ch) for the front speakers.

Alpine and Nakamichi and others used to make some small 2 channel amps that were easy to hide under the dash. They were very high quality. I couldn't find 2 of them, so had to settle for the 4 channel MRP-F250 Alpine. I will try to mount it under the passenger seat. I don't have preamp outputs on the Mach unit so I will use the speaker level inputs on the Alpine. I'm making a harness that will plug inline with the 16 pin connectors to the head unit so I can easily plug all the stock system back in quickly if I decide to get rid of the Expy (slim chance). There was just about 0 information about the Mach signals available, so I have had to dig up one piece at a time. The differential outputs on the sub woofer channel are the best way to go. Pro equipment has used diff in/out for many many years.


Cool, I wish I wasn't so tired, to get on this stuff faster. BTW, if you might need to try the RCA outputs in the Mach or Premium, the gentleman's name is Dave Miller. I had my display board replaced, a CD issue fixed, and the RCA's done for just over $200.

These pdf's should help. I just did the same thing using an mtx tthunderform powered sub woofer. Pins 1 to 4 of the 8 pin connector are all that is needed. Pin 4 is the 5 volt amp turn on signal. I used a soundgate locb.2 to convert the differential output of the head unit to standard rca preamp level and a soundgate triglohd to convert the 5volt turn on signal to 12 volts. This also keeps the muting function working with the sub woofer amp. The output of the head unit is not a standard signal - it is a balanced differential output which must be converted to unbalanced rca pre-out level. the Locb.2 does this.

Hope this helps you

where did you find these pdfs?

The wiring schematic comes from the library - ebsco repair manuals. The connector pinouts come from various metra package inserts.

