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Sugar in tank???!!!

FYI: I'm a woman ;) I don't have an ex-gf to piss off lol. I did have this guy towed out of my parking spot 3 months ago...

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I am confused :scratch: How exactly did sugar crystals make it by the fuel strainer/sock in the fuel tank and the in line fuel filter? As the Snopes site (and many others have indicated) sugar doesn't dissolve in gas and remains in it's crystal form. Basically even if sugar could have dissolved into some sludge like substance in the fuel system and made it by the fuel sock and filter why would you see sugar crystals (wouldn't you see sludge)?

If it were my vehicle and a shop showed me sugar crystals on the engine side of the fuel filter I would be highly suspicious (as in they are playing on my fears and trying to make a quick $$).

Well the shop just called and confirmed the sugar! There is sugar crystals covering the fuel regulator. They said 3 of my injectors might need replacing and maybe my fuel pump and regulator. Is there anything I can do about this? File an insurance claim? Police report? I know this is going to cost a ton! I'm so pissed at this a-hole that has nothing better to do with his life than mess up mine!

I saw the sugar! There is tons of it. My shop bill is $1500! My entire fuel system is basically being replaced and 3 injectors. I filed a police report and insurance claim. Let's just hope the insurance covers it. Fingers crossed!

Yup, it's impossible for sugar to make it's way through a fuel system.

1) It does not disolve in gas
2) The crystals would be stopped by the fuel pump sock
3) If by chance any did make it past the fuel pump, the fuel filter will stop them
4) This myth has been busted many times, including but not limited to Myth Busters.

Plenty of info on the net regarding this myth.
The mechanic is taking you for a "Sweet Ride"...

I'd say what you've all pointed out about sugar not being able to get to the engine is well and true EXCEPT that there was already a reason to take it into the mechanic.
Not the "I just happened to take my explorer to a mechanic and this is what he ended up finding" scenario.
So it doesn't make any sense that the mechanic is putting sugar in her vehicle to get a lot of money out of the deal. Something else was already wrong in which the mechanic could legitimately expect to get money for anyway.

Is it possible that you could have left the door unlocked to your vehicle? Maybe the hood was popped and sugar poured directly into the engine?

Either way, you need some security. You also need to take every opportunity to have this guy towed again, and again, and again. Personally, I wouldn't turn the other cheek on this one. The guy parks illegally, you have him removed, he retaliates. Treat others as you'd like to be treated. Its quite clear how you're being treated. That inevitably means he wants to be treated the same way.

Punjab- I agree with u completely. This guy is a real jerk. He also keyed my entire drivers side right before thanksgiving. All because I had him towed 1 time. My $1500 compared to his $200! He deserves everything karma will bring his sorry @$$!

...So it doesn't make any sense that the mechanic is putting sugar in her vehicle to get a lot of money out of the deal. Something else was already wrong in which the mechanic could legitimately expect to get money for anyway.

I agree there was something wrong with the vehicle, but its much easier to sell someone expensive $$$ repairs when they think vandalism has occurred. If I told some shops that I suspected mice were in my fuel system they would magically produce a live mouse living in my fuel filter!

lburnham84, did you tell the shop you suspected vandalism when you brought it in? How long have you been going to them? I would definitely bring the Vehicle somewhere else to get a 2nd opinion before spending that kind of money.

I am confused :scratch: How exactly did sugar crystals make it by the fuel strainer/sock in the fuel tank and the in line fuel filter? As the Snopes site (and many others have indicated) sugar doesn't dissolve in gas and remains in it's crystal form. Basically even if sugar could have dissolved into some sludge like substance in the fuel system and made it by the fuel sock and filter why would you see sugar crystals (wouldn't you see sludge)?

If it were my vehicle and a shop showed me sugar crystals on the engine side of the fuel filter I would be highly suspicious (as in they are playing on my fears and trying to make a quick $$).

60 psi will do alot of damage through filters, but the tank would need about 10lbs of sugar at the pickup... due to size of the tank.

FYI: I'm a woman ;) I don't have an ex-gf to piss off lol. I did have this guy towed out of my parking spot 3 months ago...

still could be an ex-gf!

just report it to your insurance agent...if the shop says sugar, get a rebuild out of it

The insurance adjuster is going to the shop today. They have all the old parts covered in sugar saved for them. I'm just crossing my fingers everything gets covered! All else least my truck should run better and hopefully get better gas :)

60 psi will do alot of damage through filters, but the tank would need about 10lbs of sugar at the pickup... due to size of the tank.

I can only see sugar clogging the fuel sending sock and fuel filter and straining the fuel pump or burning it out. I don't think the pump could achieve 60psi especially when the sending unit sock is clogged (it would be like trying to suck on a frozen milk shake, lots of straining for very little flow).

The whole confusion with this myth and why Snopes and Myth Busters tried to reproduce it was the huge urban legend behind it (lots of people believe it can happen). Lets face it, on the surface it looks plausible.

Unfortunately the science used to debunk the myth clearly showed it just couldn't happen. A typical fuel filter is designed to filter particles 20 microns (.02mm) and larger. Sugar crystals are .5mm and would need to be 2500% SMALLER :eek: in order to pass through the filter media. Since sugar doesn't dissolve in fuel it would be extremely unlikely that it would make it by the fuel pump strainer/sock and fuel filter. As such I cannot see how these gigantic sugar crystals could be seen at the fuel pressure regulator.

liquid a possibility

either way, fight to have it all covered....

hmm....anyone wanna pour sugar in my tank?

better yet, steal it...I will get more money for it

UPDATE!!! I haven't heard from the actual adjuster, but I did call my insurance rep and the adjuster is at the shop right now. All she could tell me right now is that it is SAND in my tank! I haven't researched the damage of sand yet, but obviously it isn't any better than sugar. Maybe its a mix of sand and sugar???

LOL. Sand and Sugar granules can be around the same size and SAND is most certainly more dense than sugar, so if it did make its way through, it could be bad news.

My thoughts on the sand theory is, there is no way sand caused the issue. Now for the myth about sugar doing this, it is very plausible since now gas has 10% ethanol in it in almost all of the country. Ethanol can dissolve sugar which would then lead to it being passed through the filter and everything else and end up messing everything up

For the sake of being accurate with our chemistry, sugar has a very low solubility in ethanol, which is already at a concentration of 10%, leaving very little room for dissolved sugar, it would remain about 99% in solid phase.

Well the adjuster called...he says there is sand covering parts and now wants to do a fuel sample test...the only problem with that is the shop put a fuel cleaner into the fuel to clean out what was in there. My guess is that this is going to mess up the test because of the cleaner. Am I right or is there some hope? He said the test will prove if it is vandalism. If the test is clear- I'm not covered :(

The check engine light is off now so that's a good sign for the truck :).... hopefully my checkbook too

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wow, sand with thru your system and then the "fix" was to put injector cleaner in and now its running "fine"... tee heee heee... that's pretty funny. Me thinks your "repair person" might be "eyeing" your wallet or something else. I would go back to an earlier post... get that truck some where else before you have a major bill.
