Supercharger install 9+lb boost! Full build | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Supercharger install 9+lb boost! Full build

I still need to install the egr and it's solenoid
And figure out a bracket for the solenoid
The throttle cable
I want to use the factory air box hope I can make it happen

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its a little late for this one, but what might have worked better would have been to find a truck, same motor at the wrecker and cut all the wiring from it. that way you wouldn't have had to add extensions to all your wires. i know its late for that but....

its a little late for this one, but what might have worked better would have been to find a truck, same motor at the wrecker and cut all the wiring from it. that way you wouldn't have had to add extensions to all your wires. i know its late for that but....
Wire harness from a 2002 ranger?





What do y'all think of this badge?


Looks great!

Thanks for the up and the comments.

We've had lots of earlier model explorer owners purchase our Ranger kit for a while... although we've never officially built one as a Moddbox R&D, we finally decided to package up the kit for these earlier models after receiving much feedback from fellow explorer enthusiasts and friends who did build one. We've done our best to include everything we could to support you guys without actually building one inhouse...

We have included infor regarding the requirement to re-wire the injectors/harness as well as the requirement for a throttle body off an 02-11 Ranger (we sell these used in our "moddbox garage" store and I think we have that listed as an item that is not included in the kit but is required)... but other than that, we couldn't provide much other details or help to installers.

A sincere thanks for this post! As a late-model 3rd Gen owner... it's nice to see such and informative post on this Ford truck.

ps. I like the "SC". A nice statement... but not too obvious to tip anyone off. (ie. that it's not powered by a "lawnmower engine"... priceless).

pss. As the Moddbox Company was started just 4 years ago by me, my life savings, and my little shop (I was a 34-year old engineer with just a bunch of very talented friends/colleagues etc in cars at the time with a family of 4)... lets just say I had quite a few "lawnmower engines" laying around. hahahha...

I'm also happy to send you some free "supercharged" stencils as I really appreciate you spending the time to share about your build. They are really quality vinyl die-cut and even hold up to power washers (provided it's on general use and not the nozzle is not 1" away). The stencils are about 1" tall by 15" long and are in Ford font (as used on the Ranger logo). They would also look great on white.

Check them out here:

email with your address and I can send them out via air.

I got to say the mod box guy was great on this build I must have sent him 10 emails with questions and he replied fast and was actually able to help me good people over at Maddox Yeeyeee

Today we put some exhaust wrap on the egr extension tube


I'm also happy to send you some free "supercharged" stencils as I really appreciate you spending the time to share about your build. They are really quality vinyl die-cut and even hold up to power washers (provided it's on general use and not the nozzle is not 1" away). The stencils are about 1" tall by 15" long and are in Ford font (as used on the Ranger logo). They would also look great on white.

Check them out here:

email with your address and I can send them out via air.
Thanks I was sent 2 sweet mod box son got them ..... and a stencil
So thanks for the offer but it's not necessary:)

Nice job! Always nice to see another project actually get completed.

And quickly, I might add. very impressive.

So, when does the smaller pulley/bigger injectors and maf go on?

And quickly, I might add. very impressive.

So, when does the smaller pulley/bigger injectors and maf go on?
As soon as my wife Is not looking y'all should have seen her first test drive she was scared then she felt the power and that little giggle she let out told me everything

So my son wanted to put the supercharger decal on I wanted the stock look so this is the compromise and I wrapped the intake tube with the leftover exhaust wrap I know the decal is a little off but it's cool
Now I need a explorerforum sticker


So my son wanted to put the supercharger decal on I wanted the stock look so this is the compromise and I wrapped the intake tube with the leftover exhaust wrap I know the decal is a little off but it's cool
Now I need a explorerforum sticker

View attachment 169015

Awesome for a lawnmower engine!!!! Seriously though, looks clean, sanitary even! Congrats!

I added to an older cast/welded kit with couple items from ModdBox, I had CNC envy for that nicely cut kit! Good stuff!

I also insulated the intake tubing, stock air intake box and modified the stock box to pull cool air from the fender.

I have a question does this blower have a vent for the gears at all or just a sealed unit if so won't it build pressure inside the gear section

My M90 did not have a vent in the gear section at all.

Donald Jr here,
So i wanted to make a heat shield for the air filter on the new supercharger explorer so that the air would only come from behind the headlight.
My dad said that every degree counts!
So we went to Lows and got an 18" by 36" sheet of metal, foam pipe insulator, and pipe insulator tape (as shown in the pics below :thumbsup:)
We found this information that we used from an old thread on here, but we made ours to our thoughts and liking so it is very different.


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We spent a good hour making a cardboard template for the metal sheet.
Then we cut it out.
And also bent it the way the template told us to, using a straight edged block of wood (and a small hammer if needed)


