Suspension differences between Awd & 4x4? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Suspension differences between Awd & 4x4?


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November 15, 2007
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I been wanting to ask this question for the longest time now about the suspension differences between the Awd & 4x4, if there really is any?
What I've noticed is that my 03 Monty Awd V8 feels more solid over bumps (as if it where better made) & then when I drive my O3 Expo 4x4 V8 in the same type of conditions it feels as my trim pieces rattle more & the whole truck shakes a bit more (like the suspension is harder). I know that the Awd drive better on curves b/c of the Awd. Or could it be that maybe b/c it's a Merc it has better bushings, struts, etc... Or do all Awd (even Expo's) just have that nice cushy, more expensive feeling, & 4x4 are doomed with that hard rigid feeling of death ?:mad:

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There's no difference in the suspension tuning between AWD and 4x4. The only exception to that is the Explorer NBX package (never available in AWD) which recieved a firmer ride and more off-road tuning to the suspension.

I'd be hard pressed to think Ford would change the suspension between the Mercury and Ford versions of the same vehicle too. Only way to really find out is to give a Ford dealer the VINs from both vehicles and see if the part numbers for the coil springs are the same. As far as bushings, etc. goes, I'm very confident they're the same between both vehicles.

Vehicles wear at different rates even if they are identical. That might account for the difference between the two. Are they close to the same miles?

If i remember right the Shock ARE different Part No. for a Mounty and Ex. Didn't check springs. I can attest that W/AWD the ride is very firm but no rattles. Worn Shock?

This could be a possible mod if it's confirmed that the Mountaineer uses different springs and shocks than an Explorer. Any Explorer owner looking for a softer ride could always swap in Mountaineer parts of similar model year.

I might investigate this a little more when I have some free time.

I doubled check a few sites, Monroe, Ford Fast Parts, they show the Mounty and Ex as the same part. But it does show the Aviator as a different shock on the Ford Site but I couldn’t find it on Monroe’s. I must have seen a supplier part code or something, sorry if I got your hopes up. I also found some KYB’s for a good price. OEM’s are up to $88 now. Its the same 4WD but it changes if its 2WD.

I looked in my crash book, and they listed the springs for '02 and '03 as different part numbers than '04+. I remember reading something on the '04 that the suspension was re-tuned for better ride, etc. That's probably how they did it.
As for the shocks, there was a footnote by the shocks and springs that said "order by application", and didn't get any more specific than that.

I been wanting to ask this question for the longest time now about the suspension differences between the Awd & 4x4, if there really is any?
What I've noticed is that my 03 Monty Awd V8 feels more solid over bumps (as if it where better made) & then when I drive my O3 Expo 4x4 V8 in the same type of conditions it feels as my trim pieces rattle more & the whole truck shakes a bit more (like the suspension is harder). I know that the Awd drive better on curves b/c of the Awd. Or could it be that maybe b/c it's a Merc it has better bushings, struts, etc... Or do all Awd (even Expo's) just have that nice cushy, more expensive feeling, & 4x4 are doomed with that hard rigid feeling of death ?:mad:
Well I can tell u that the 03 Expo V8 4x4 (61k) is newer & less miles then the 03 Monty V8 Awd (76k), by almost 15k miles difference to be exact. Now I driven several different Expo's, old & new (95-03 & EXCEPT AWD) & I can tell w/ confidence that they all feel the same (stock of coarse) & I always land on the conclusion that the Monty's always feel just a bit better, don't take my word for it... the butt dyno never lies.(well most of the time at least) & then there was this quote from an accredited auto publication (I can't remember which thou) They did a long term test on the 02 Monty V8 Awd (Quote: I'm amazed with over 40k miles & there still no shakes & rattles On this truck, but the silver paint on the steering spoke wears out pretty quick b/c of the wedding finger ring. end Quote) He was talking about the silver trim that the Premier Monty's come with. Now that's the reason I'm always wondering the differences between the two.
Maybe Ford did in fact do something different to the suspension, but was so subtle that we may never know?

P.s: My Expo's in pretty good shape, so I would rule out worn shocks, broken springs, etc.

My '02 Limited has a nice ride. It is not super soft but it is better than many other SUVs I have driven.

I swapped front springs in my 98 Mountaineer three years ago. It is very common for the Mercury vehicles to receive softer springs and shocks. It's a normal trim level kind of change.

4WD trucks usually by default receive the stiffest springs. I bought the "B" springs which are stock on these model 4WD trucks. If you go back to the air ride Explorers, those got the softest springs available, and the shocks weren't very stiff either. I test drove a 95 Limited with 23k on it, it drove very soft and nice, it was just too much money then. Regards,
