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Suspension squeaking


Well-Known Member
March 9, 2008
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City, State
Hayden, ID
Year, Model & Trim Level
92 Explorer Sport
I have made 2 trips into the mountains on DUSTY trails, after this i have noticed that my suspension is squeaking a LOT. Can anybody confirm that dust could cause this? and how do i stop it?

I only notice the squeaks when braking, but it IS coming from the suspension because bumps set it off too.

Also im assuming the dust made my belt squeal too, how do i fix that?

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I checked out more this morning. it looks like it might be the rear shocks, is that a possibility? I understand that it will creak because it's an older car, but it has never been this bad

your radius arm bushings might be worn down, or have dust around them

i have the same problem with mine. only over bigger bumps can you hear it. i dont' worry about it, it's a 15 year old car.

well i wouldn't worry about it but i recently beat the living **** out of it and thats what my concern was. I got underneath and soaked the leafs and suspension joints in PB blaster to try and lube and clean it.
Worked like a charm, it still squeaks like it did before i beat it up and it got worse.

Hooray! :D

Ive got this problem too. I took it out for a rough ride and now it squeeks bad when going over bumps. New shocks wouldnt hurt.. so I take it what you did didnt work, ParkerRocker?

I guess just the age of the explorer starts working against it. i'd imagine that to get completely rid of it, you'd have to replace just about anything suspension related. mine is more evident going over speed bumps, i think it's worn out coilsprings, shocks, and leafsprings. right now the only thing that keeps me from fixing everything is lack of funds.

You probably did what I just did the other day. After I finished replacing the bearings on my front, Me and buddy took our trucks up some mountain trails (about 15 miles) When I got back down on the road and began the trip home, I noticed a lot of squeaking from the leafs. What had happened was the rough terrain had worked out the little "shims" that were between the leafs so now they were rubbing against each other.

Some "breakfree" and bearing grease did the trick, messy, but it works.

yea what i did didnt work, for maybe five minutes it was improved. Break Free you say? I used PB blaster but i might have to do that.

Found the above article on google, what do you guys think? would it help?
how hard would it be to yank the entire assembly off and grease all the joints? Might be easier to just get the pads from ford and replace them.

I hate the stealership...

had worked out the little "shims" that were between the leafs so now they were rubbing against each other.

you know, i've had this little piece sticking out from my right rear spring, i wondered if that had anything to do with it. can you replace these? or do they just need good greasing?

When old trucks start squeking, it is usually control arm bushing getting worn and body mounts. That rubber is 15 years old and I imagine it is pretty worn. Try some new bushings. There are a lot of aftermarket kits that you can buy for a couple hundred bucks. The one thing is that poly urethane, unlessed greased properly will squek as well, but it will never war out. PST has poly graphite bushings, and I have had better luck with that stuff on my cars. Or you could just use rubber, much cheaper. Just my two cents.

Thanks, Matt

Yes as Explodr94 says I've seen rubber radius arm bushings squeek when they get worn. Also no one mentioned this, but the axle pivot bushing (4WD only) can also be a source of a squeek that is hard to find.

When old trucks start squeking, it is usually control arm bushing getting worn and body mounts. That rubber is 15 years old and I imagine it is pretty worn. Try some new bushings. There are a lot of aftermarket kits that you can buy for a couple hundred bucks. The one thing is that poly urethane, unlessed greased properly will squek as well, but it will never war out. PST has poly graphite bushings, and I have had better luck with that stuff on my cars. Or you could just use rubber, much cheaper. Just my two cents.

Thanks, Matt

I just looked on, they have Duralast bushings listed at 7.99, then the Rare Parts at 58.99. Is there that much of a difference?

i greased all of the bushings, the squeaking has been GREATLY decreased, however it still does squeak. When i have some spare change i'll have to get some new bushings and replace them. The bushings were pretty beaten up...

...You are on the right track...:thumbsup:

...Bushings get dry and squeak...Then they shrink and squeak more...Then you start getting the metal on metal squeak do to warn bushings...

...This is common on shocks and springs also...For my leafs bushings, I get them at Dead Link Removed and for the shocks bushings, you can order them from their supplier...I know the leaf bushings come with grease and you lube them inside and out...

...Also, if you have not been greasing all your zerks before every trip, you are letting dirt/sand get into parts it shouldn't be getting in...:eek:

grah i haven't. I don't even know what you are talking about...:dunno:

...Zerks are access points to install grease into important moving parts of your vehicle...They can be found on your drive shafts, steering linkage, rotors, etc...

...You could stop by an oil/lube shop and have them point them out to you...When going offroad or even dirt roads frequently, you need to grease these often enough to invest in a grease gun of your own...$20 bucks or so with grease...;)

Haha, I found out that it was the 3 week old dried mud that I forgot to wash off. Its pretty much gone now, still a bit of a squeek but nothing. I'll probably replace shocks and all the bushings all around just for the hell of it. Exhaust first though..
