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Tail Light Guards


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March 7, 2016
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1996 Ford Explorer Sport
Is there a website/store that sells tail light guards for my 1996 Ford Explorer Sport? I am having a difficult time finding them. Thanks.

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Keep looking on ebayour that's how I got mine.

Ive seen a few on eBay recently. I even bought my taillight COVERS on eBay (not guards)
Here are my covers. I got the seller to part with them (it was the complete assembly for both) for $20.

I might have a set for sale, do you know what all years fit?

I might have a set for sale, do you know what all years fit?

Should be all second gens, besides the sport model from 01-03.
They all have the same tail light design.

Should be all second gens, besides the sport model from 01-03.
They all have the same tail light design.

95-97 are not the same as 98+...

I just found some 95-97 old stock Grizzly tail light guards after a long, hard search.


If you are interested, call Mike at 864-688-3229... He can sometimes be a little slow to respond because he is a one man operation and STM is not his primary job. But he is a really nice and honest guy.

After a week or so of calls and texts, he finally invoiced me and shipped them out.
Price was $50 + Shipping.

Grizzly is out of business, so once his remaining stock is gone, you will have to take your chances with junkyards and eBay and as you know, they are hard to find.

Mine are Westin brand 98 to 00 models, but modded them to work on my 03 Sport, had them 6 years but ordered through Napa


Easier to replace the entire housing if it were to ever break... would not waste time..
