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taking off rear shocks

well i didnt use the torch for long cause it was burnin the rubber, and even then, it didnt work. i think when i need new shocks il just pull out the sawsall and cut it out.

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Yes, when all things fails... use a sawsall. :D

when the sawzall fails, refer to BFH again, or cutting torch.

Re: Re: Heat baby

The key was aiming VERY carefully.....<grin>

Now that I look back on it, maybe not the safest......

Originally posted by X-factor
I don't know about a torch... its a foot away from the gas tank. :rolleyes:

Cut off wheels

I have used cut off wheels and they slice trough grade 8 steel with ease. If you have an angle grinder cut off blades will be your best friend. I have also used the small dremel cut off blades as well. They work good too. These little dremel units have more control and let you get into tight areas; but you have to keep the blade still else it will break.

i could use a rotozip, those things can cut through the chrome bumpers:D

i took my rear shocks off about a month ago an all i needed was some swearing words, air gun with socket, and a rench. an let the air gun beat the hel* out of it. I didn't have to much problem getting the bolts off after the air gun broke them lose. I did have to push the shock its self up to get the left side bolt out. Thats about it. Key thing here, air guns are nice :D

Originally posted by HokieBert
is WD-40 a true penetrating oil? I always just thought it was just a lubricant

Actually WD-40 = water displacer experiment number 40

I used an impact on the nut, and a wrench on the back side of the bolt. worked for me.

then again, my ranger is a 1996, slightly newer = less rust.

Air tools vs heat

Yeah, I tried one of those too..I was quite bummed out when it didnt work... :)

WHen the bolt siezes in the sleeve/bushing, heat and penetrating oil are the only things that will work.....


Originally posted by frickea86
i took my rear shocks off about a month ago an all i needed was some swearing words, air gun with socket, and a rench. an let the air gun beat the hel* out of it. I didn't have to much problem getting the bolts off after the air gun broke them lose. I did have to push the shock its self up to get the left side bolt out. Thats about it. Key thing here, air guns are nice :D

the torch will burn the rubber at the end of it, thats not a good thing, or do you just heat the actual bolt??

I wouldn't heat the shock. If it's a gas shock heating it can be a pretty bad experience for you. Heat the nuts and bolts that you want to remove. If it's the bottom bolt you're talking about then heat it's head with the torch but of course be careful considering your proximity to the gas tank, gas filler neck, and shock. If it's the top bolts, it's hard to get to but you can also heat the bolts themselves.

Personally I only use heat as a last resort. A penetrating oil like PB Blaster works wonders. Air tools too.

hmm. how bad does nitrogen gas shocks at 135psi explode?

aim yer torch

If you are changing shocks and the bolt is siezed in the sleeve, the rubber is gonna be toast anyways...wont matter.

You are heating the bolt primarily...not the body of the shock...the shock wont "explode".

Muffler/shock shops do this all the time.....the key is hwere you aim the torch. <grin>

Originally posted by Brandons
the torch will burn the rubber at the end of it, thats not a good thing, or do you just heat the actual bolt??

oh, but i aint gonna be changing shocks till probably the end of summer

after thought here too:

be careful how you hit the shock bolt if utilizing the BFH method. You can round off/mushroom the head of the bolt easily, and that sucks - even destroying the first few threads of the bolt is bad - you would have to grind it down like I did so the nut would thread back on.

If you have new nuts/bolts, dont worry about this., I am cheap and didnt want to spend the skrilla on new hardware. :D
