Tbars4 has passed away - A good friend to EF | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Tbars4 has passed away - A good friend to EF

Sad to hear!

I never met him, but he was one of the names that stood out as always having helpful posts. I'll miss his input in the forum.

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Ted was a great friend who I shared a lot of time in the back country with, I probably have the most off-road miles with him than anyone else I know. When I first met Ted I never met him at all: In the spring of 2008 I had planned a trip to the Mojave Road to meet him there but I got in a crash halfway there. He was on the phone helping me in any way he could. Fast forward to the Fall of 2008 and my Explorer was fixed and I planned the annual Colorado Colors run to Ouray. Once I got to Ouray he surprised me by showing up unannounced where I finally got to meet him in person and go wheeling. Ever since then we have been on many adventures - many epic trips to the Mojave Road, a few times in the Moab area, a few times to Colorado, a trip where we drove to the bottom of the Grand Canyon, some exploring around Arizona and some trips to Comb Ridge in Utah where we hiked to many cool ruins. Other times we would meet up at shows like SEMA, Off-road Expo or the Overland Expo and of course King of the Hammers. He was always there to offer a ride from the airport or around town during SEMA and of course tease me with In-n-out. He lived an interesting life that many don't know about and I enjoyed hearing bits and pieces of it through the years. Recently we had talked about doing another Mojave Road trip since it had been quite some time since our last one. RIP Ted, you will be missed

Man, Ted was a good guy. He always put in a positive 2 cents on the forum and was quick to respond to anything going on. Only met him in Moab, and he had a great, "Let's do this and have a good time!" attitude. Gonna miss him.

Wow, Ted Tbars4 will be missed a lot. I recall how friendly and helpful he was when he first joined. Thanks for the shared thoughts about him, I wish I could have met him. God bless you Ted Feger, and your family.

Definitely a great loss to the RBV community, TBars was a wealth of knowledge and an excellent shooter with a camera. I never met him (unfortunately) but he is missed already.

Just heard thru social media. Still hasn't sunk in all the way yet. :(

RIP Ted, you were one of a kind, and will be sorely missed in & around the Off Road community, by many, many people.

RIP Tbars4. Thank you for all you have done.

A true loss to the EF family.

I never met him, but in my hours upon hours of browsing the site and registries, I always remember seeing countless posts by him all over willing to help in any way he can. Never saw a negative thing get posted on his end, and just seemed like an all around pleasant guy that embodied EF. Seeing all these posts only proves that he was a great guy that touched countless lives in and outside of the site.

Thanks for everything Tbars, (Ted). May you rest in peace. You're in everyone's thoughts and prayers

What a loss for all of us and a reminder of how precious and fleeting life is. Rest in Peace, Ted.

He has helped me out threw the last couple years with my Explorer and pitched a few ideas my way that lead to some things being built on my Explorer today.
Some horrible news to hear about such a nice man. He will be dearly missed and condolences go to his family and friends.
He can get some amazing shots of off road events from up above now.

Always a bummer to find out about things like this. Ted was a truly great guy, and was always a blast to wheel with; I have several fond memories of our adventures in t-haven, Big Bear, and the local desert... Rest in peace buddy, and give Harley a big ole pat from me.


At the risk of offending anyone, we mourn the loss of Tbars4 today but fear not, We Will All Meet Again Someday!

RIP Mr. Feger

I met Ted just the one time in Moab, but he was such a great guy to talk to. Never failed that I'd see his name pop up on every other thread here, giving advice or a friendly comment. I followed his pictures online of the events he went to since I had met him and loved every one. His skills with a camera, his personality and his presence will surely be missed...

RIP Ted...til we all meet again...

Sorry to hear. I have read and learned from his posts since I joined the forum. Rest in peace Tbars4.

Rest in peace brother. :(

Sad news, a loss for all of us.

This really makes you think about how big a part of life these forums become, and how the members themselves become a part of a hobby. Even if you never meet a forum regular, you get a sense of who they are and their personality, and just knowing that they're there to offer help when it's needed is a big part of what makes these forums such a great "place" to hang out. As nice and helpful as Ted seems online, he was exactly the same in person. He just seemed to appear on EF one day with a wealth of knowledge and a positive attitude, and luckily he stuck around. I didn't know Ted all that well, but when I used to live closer to him he was still one of the most helpful guys. He always had a passenger seat available for anyone who needed it, as long as you didn't mind Harley walking all over your lap. He was a huge help to me when I decided to regear my truck, and when I ran into issues with the mechanic Ted made sure I was taken care of and not left high and dry. When I took my dad along on off-road trips Ted would always make sure my dad felt included as well. He really seemed to gain a lot of joy in his life when he started shooting photos for off-road races, probably because he was so friendly and it offered him a whole new community to make friends in. I never would have thought that the passing of someone I barely knew would have such an impact on me, but I feel fortunate to have known him these past several years. If anyone knows of a way to offer help with anything, please let me know.

Ted was a good friend to many. I still have a bottle of rum he left in my RV for "next time". Guess I will have to wait a little bit longer.

Like Rick said, if anybody has any contact information for any relatives, please PM Rick. All the years I knew him, he never mentioned any relatives, just an x-wife from long ago.

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RIP my friend.
