Teachers voted to authorize a strike | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Teachers voted to authorize a strike


Explorer Addict
March 4, 2005
Reaction score
yay...hope it works out. sucks we will have to go for the first day nomatter what. but hey if it happends..i get alittle extra vacation..cause achool starts sept 6th ;)

Anchorage, Alaska - Anchorage teachers have spoken and according to the Anchorage Education Association, the majority -- 86 .6 percent -- voted to authorize a strike if an acceptable contract agreement is not reached. The results came down just before 8 p.m. Tuesday.

According to union officials, in the largest turn out in AEA history, Anchorage teachers decided to give the union the authority to call a strike if an agreement is not reached. But at this point there is no timeline on when that agreement needs to be reached and union leaders are not saying when a possible strike would happen. But they do say they are still willing to go back to the table to work out an agreement.

Teachers had the chance to vote Monday night at a member meeting or Tuesday at AEA headquarters on Spenard Road. The results to the strike vote come just one day after 87 percent of teachers rejected the Anchorage School District's last best offer for a three-year contract agreement.

