The infamous "door ajar" light | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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The infamous "door ajar" light


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August 26, 2014
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2002 Explorer XLS

I have that lovely old door ajar light issue where it constantly goes on and off or stays on. It just freaks out. I've tried all the remedies to fix it. I just have a quick question. Is there a fuse in the fusebox that will eliminate all of the door ajar light alarms?


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Not aware of a fuse that would only kill the light. U can disassemble the door latches and find which one (or more) is sticking and remove just the switch from the latch assy and replace or clean and lube. Personally I cleaned and lubed my right front and no longer have the issue.

I also have this lovely door ajar light...found a broken ground wire in the driver hinge area. Soldered it up and no dice. Anybody know which wiring harness the connects to on the fuse box so I can test wire continuity?

When ever I have had door ajar light problems I have always tried wd-40 and working the latch and 90% of the time works and is obviously a easy fix

As I recall, the switch has to be closed or connector to switch jumpered to get ajar light out and overhead light out. Ive also tried lubing without disassembly and it never fixed it. Had to disassemble the switch from latch assy and dip it while working the switch. Switch does come off the latch assy. Needs to be twisted. Replacement swich is available.

As I recall, the switch has to be closed or connector to switch jumpered to get ajar light out and overhead light out. Ive also tried lubing without disassembly and it never fixed it. Had to disassemble the switch from latch assy and dip it while working the switch. Switch does come off the latch assy. Needs to be twisted. Replacement swich is available.

After changing the switch, wire diagnostics, soldering the broken ground wire, I've come to the conclusion that door was only part of the problem...on to the next door...grrrrr...trying to get the dash lights cleared for my sons drivers test!

Now you come at it with experience
