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The popping's back!


Rah no Hans Bwix
November 21, 2002
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1994 XLT 4x4
OK. Did my balljoints a couple months ago, upper and lower, both sides. I got it aligned and the RA bushings done a few days later. My pops were gone for a while, now they're back! Sometimes, not always, when I make a sharp turn at a low speed, I get a popping sound from the front. I assumed this was the RA bushings and it did stop after getting those done. What else could it be? I've got new tie-rod ends and the swaybar bushings are a few months old (and greaseable). ANY ideas? I've done lots of searching and haven't most everything had to do with balljoints and RA bushings.

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Just a guess, but do you still have the stock auto hubs? They can make all kinds of noises when they're going bad.

Nope, Warn manuals.

If the RA bushings are the high temp. ( urethane ) did they grease them good?

They're the rubber ones.

HF23, you say you have new tie rod ends; are these outer or inner ends? My popping was caused by the inner ends. My symptoms were the same; popping on low speed turns.....

I replaced the outters. Maybe time for inner replacement.

HF, here's a trick to verify diagnosis: Loosen the tie rods, and turn them exactly 180 degrees and retighten. If you turn them in the same direction, the alignment won't be disturbed. (Shorten one tie rod end and lengthen the other). This gives the inner ends a new surface to bear on, and should stop the popping if the inners are indeed bad. (This technique will offset the steering wheel slightly. If your steering wheel is slightly offset to start with, you can center it as an added bonus, if you choose the proper direction to turn the tie rods.)

I used this technique on mine, and removed the boot and packed the end with grease. It works smooth as silk now. However, if the tie rod is loose in it's socket, it's best to just replace it.

I recently had an inner tie rod end replaced due to the 'popping' noise and discomfort going over bumps in the road. It cost $120 for the parts and alignment. Quiet as a sleeping baby now! :eek:

Mine went noisy only after a few months. The replacements were from autozone and they looked exactly the same as the fords. no real grease anywhere..I think im going to try and grease the **** out of them and hope the grease doesnt come leaking out of the boots
