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Thinking of painting bumpers

that looks fantastic....if the limited models came all one color like that, i think i would've opted for another color....either sterling gray or that white....

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I'd take the clips in question to a body shop and see if they recognize them from another model, or something close enough to work. Hopefully the clips are a fairly standard piece. Forcing a shop to buy the panel to get the clips sounds a bit, well, it's a car dealership, right?

Yeah, I was a bit incredulous with the parts guy saying "What happens if one of your guys in the back breaks a couple of clips?" His response was usually that type of repair is an insurance job so they just order a whole new trim piece"

Nice, just another reason insurance prices are so high.

I have an issue with this not in just that they only sell the clip as part of the trim but that they don't disclose that they do have aftermarket sources for the clips. Seems there are a number of suppliers on line and even in my area of Texas that sell the clips. Problem is the local ones only sell to repair shops. NAPA doesn't stock them. Online will take days to get them to me....

that looks fantastic....if the limited models came all one color like that, i think i would've opted for another color....either sterling gray or that white....

Yeah I have to tell you, when I finally get my Sterling Gray put back together I don't mind saying its gonna look awesome!

I've put it all back together and it looks great. The only issue I have now is the chrome strip on the tailgate. I want to remove it and paint it. Anyone taken their tailgate apart?

I just looked at the rear trim that says "explorer." I see four bolts under it, you might want to remove the license plate bulbs and covers. I also noticed that there is double sided tape along the wings of the trim. So I would stock up on some double side 3m tape and I think you'll be good to go!!

IDK...the panels look like a different it just an illusion? I dont mind the black trim, but IMO this should have been a factory option. Im guessing it will be down the road.

IDK...the panels look like a different it just an illusion? I dont mind the black trim, but IMO this should have been a factory option. Im guessing it will be down the road.

That's the joy of trying to color match metallic paints. Even if you get the color exactly the same, there's the problem of getting the metallic flake to lay down the same way as the original paint. It'll never happen. If you are lucky enough to find a really good shop with some talent, they will be able to get it really close.

The reflective properties of the paint internally make it a pain to get the exact same optical characteristics. Even fresh from the factory cars exhibit some colorshift from panel to panel. The later 90's Toyota Camrys were some of the worst for this, especially the beige color. The bumpers never matched.

Look at the carshow pictures of the Buick Encore, a number of the panels of the dark gray one don't match. If I recall, the right rear quarter panel and passenger door are way off. Wayyyy off.

It's simply the way it is.

Having said all of that, the painted lowers look sharp, and Ford should definitely add this as a factory option.

Happy driving.

That's the joy of trying to color match metallic paints. Even if you get the color exactly the same, there's the problem of getting the metallic flake to lay down the same way as the original paint. It'll never happen.

Happy driving.
Yea...especially the ***** to get a close match

The painted trim looks absolutely beautiful! Why Ford did not do this from the factory I do not know. Even on the older models I can not stand the grey trim that they throw on these vehicles. I love the idea of the two tone body colors like the Eddie Bauer units had! Ford needs to find another name to go with and stay with the two toned body paint. The King Ranch is ok but just sounds too "rugged" for what the Explorer has become. Maybe a King Ranch edition with the ecoboost!

Hey Baxter. Just curious if the painted molding still looks good or if over the years of normal wear and tear it has needed touch-up or anything.

4. While waiting for my local dealer to call me to say the parts were in I started calling other dealers to locate the same parts. Seems none were in stock but one dealer. I called them only to have the parts manager tell me the clips I'm talking about are not available...not sold individually. YOU HAVE TO ORDER THE WHEEL ARCH TO GET THE CLIPS! :eek: I just got back from my dealer's part department where this was confirmed. You cannot buy the clips alone. Apparently the parts guy who ordered my clips misunderstood what I was looking for and ordered the wrong part.

(Baxter, you might ask the paint shop who did your parts if they broke any clips and if so did they replace or not?)

Did they quote yo a price for all four wheel arches?

How is that paint holding up? Looks GREAT!! Can I ask how much it cost to do that?

Thinking of painting bumpers. UPDATE: I did it!!!!!

I'm considering having the black cladding painted to match the car. I think it would give the truck a more finished look. Here's a quick chop of how I see it:



But, in reading the owner's manual, I found this on the BLIS page:
"The BLIS consists of two radar sensors each located rearward of the rear wheels hidden behind the bumper fascia. Do not place any type of bumper sticker in this area. ..."

"BLIS detection limitations: Due to the nature of radar technology,
there may be certain instances where vehicles entering and exiting the
blind spot zones may not be detected. Below is a list of circumstances
that may cause non-detection:
• Debris build-up on the rear quarter panel fascias ..."

I'm wondering if paint would have the same effect as a bumper sticker or debris and end up affecting BLIS.

Anyone else do this lately and how are they holding up?

Thanks guys for the compliments! I agree with everyone, it looks finished.

Bill, you are right, many manufacturers do this on a regular basis. Usually the change comes with the MCR. Two examples that come to mind are the first generation Mercedes-Benz ML and the first generation BMW X3. Both had gray bumpers that got painted later.

Wonder how they look in 2017.... Did they stand the test of time??

Wonder how they look in 2017.... Did they stand the test of time??
FYI Scott, he hasn't been on here since July 6th and there are others still waiting to hear from him as well.

