Throttle and defrost | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Throttle and defrost


December 13, 2010
Reaction score
City, State
Rochester NH
Year, Model & Trim Level
2005 XLT 4WD...stock
Hope I am posting this in the correct place.
Any one have problems with acceleration when the defrost is a lag? I have this every time I stop only with the defrost on. More annoying than anything but would really would like to know why this happens. Would a vacuum issue cause acceleration issues when the defrost is on? I just replaced the belt and tensioner. It was happening before that. Hope someone can help out. Thanks.


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Does it happen with the A/C on as well?

Hope I am posting this in the correct place.
Any one have problems with acceleration when the defrost is a lag? I have this every time I stop only with the defrost on. More annoying than anything but would really would like to know why this happens. Would a vacuum issue cause acceleration issues when the defrost is on? I just replaced the belt and tensioner. It was happening before that. Hope someone can help out. Thanks.


My guess would be that "defrost" requires switching in some moving component, like a door, moved by vacuum operation. If a big vacuum leak exists downstream of the "switch" which diverts vacuum to that door, it would allow un-fueled air to be sucked into the engine, confusing the PCM trying to maintain proper air/fuel ratio. imp

How bad is the lag? When I turn on my defroster, the engine does bog very slightly but lag isn't there.

If I remember correctly, when the defroster is turned on, I think the A/C pump turns on? I used to unplug the A/C pump on my Ranger in the winter because of that.

I added a couple pounds of freon today. Seems to work fro now...going to have a HVAC buddy check it tommorrow
