Tire size sure fit on 02? 265/75/16 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Tire size sure fit on 02? 265/75/16

Hi everyone,

Yes, I've read the tire size thread. ;)

I'm getting ready to order Nitto Terra Grappler 265/75/16 & just want to make sure they WILL FIT without any mods. I have an 02 Explorer Limited 4x4. I was told when I order them, that they are a special order & if they don't fit I'm stuck with 5 tires..so I want to be certain.

In the max tire size thread, someone said they had this size of tire, and they fit, but they plastic zip tied the front fender liner. I was wondering how exactly this was done, as I don't see any holes or an anchor to zip tie from.


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I'll use stock, unless aftermarket would be needed for some reason.


I have 265/70-16 on my stock rims with absolutely no rubbing with the wheels at full turn. They fill the wheel well nicely. I have a decent picture if anyone would like to post it for me. Thanks.

I have a '00 sport with 265/75's. Fronts dont rub at all, backs do rub a little once the tire gets up into the well but its just a little. Of course the '00 still had the live rear axle.

you can check out the links for some pics to see for yourself


The 1st one was pretty much the limit of the suspension as the left rear was jusr bearly touching the ground. Actually earlier that day I had the front left AND the rear right both of the ground (back was about 2 feet off the ground :p) with no rubbing. I would have known then cause I had to back up the hill which was steep enough that the parking brake wouldnt hold the truck, doh

I have 265/70-16 on my stock rims with absolutely no rubbing with the wheels at full turn. They fill the wheel well nicely. I have a decent picture if anyone would like to post it for me. Thanks.
i too have an 02/explorer/xlt/4x4/auto/4.0
i just did a boat load of work and want to
finish it with new shoes (your tire size).
no rubbing at all?????
i would love to see your photos, please
thanks/regards, bill, billt55@comcast.net

I had 265/75/R16's on my '05 Eddie Bauer, stock suspension with no issues. That size tire will fit on 3rd Gen and up Explorer's stock.

i too have an 02/explorer/xlt/4x4/auto/4.0
i just did a boat load of work and want to
finish it with new shoes (your tire size).
no rubbing at all?????
i would love to see your photos, please
thanks/regards, bill, billt55@comcast.net

You are responding to a 4yr old post...

will i not get a reply due to age of the post?

I had 265/75/R16's on my '05 Eddie Bauer, stock suspension with no issues. That size tire will fit on 3rd Gen and up Explorer's stock.

I had severe rubbing issues with the 265/75/16 tires. However, mine were an MT pattern so that also added to the problem

A few zip-ties on my mud flaps and all is well. I have some pics of how I used the zip ties in page 2 of this thread.


will i not get a reply due to age of the post?

You did get replies.

hi again,
just saw your ride, quite nice!
i noticed you have an 05 eddie/v8.
mine is an 02 xlt/4.0. i guess they both
are 3rd gen, therefore the tire issue
is moot, right? so the 265/75/16s are the
way to go....it will be done!!!
thanks for the input,

mine is a complete stock ride with oe wheels, do you think there would be a big difference between 265/75/16 and 265/70/16?

mine is a complete stock ride with oe wheels, do you think there would be a big difference between 265/75/16 and 265/70/16?

The tire is less tall... but not a huge difference.

Super old topic, but I'm currently due for a tire change, and this is the first thread to popup on Google. For the 265/75/R16 is that better than the 265/70/R16?

Yeah I really want to get 265 75 16, on my 03... I would think all is well... however I might try for the 70s just to be sure.
