Toggle starter switch? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Toggle starter switch?


Well-Known Member
October 13, 1999
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River Forest, IL
Year, Model & Trim Level
'94 XLT 4x4
Anyone ever made a toggle style starter switch? Like what is used on a Stock Car. I got this idea that I could use the key to allow the electrical system to turn on and then a toggle switch to start the engine.

Maybe put it under one of thosered hat things that you see on all of the movies with a "launch" button. I think that it would be kind of cool...Maybe put it where the ash tray is...

Anyone know how this would be wired up or what kind of switch to get, or had any similar ideas?


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I have a pushbutton starter rigged up. Very easy to do:

Run a good 12V power lead and also a lead from the signal post of the fender mounted starter solenoid. Then just get a high quality pushbutton starter from Autozone and wire it between the 2. With the key "on" the truck will start when the button is pushed.

You want a momentary switch, not a toggle since you want to turn the starter off as soon as the motor fires.

Oh, the reason racecars have a toggle and a pushbutton is that the toggle does the same thing as turning the key to "on". A pushbutton actually starts the car.

momemtary is what I meant, I forget that not everyone would put that as the obvious...

Where did you put the button? Any write-up? Pics?

I am actually kind of excited about this because it is a one of those mods that people will look at and say "cool". Anyway, anyone else done this or thought about it?


My button is actually under my dash hidden. But you could put it anywhere. I could take a pic if you want but it wouldn't tell you much.

I installed mine when I was having both tranny and alarm issues to bypass both the alarm and tranny-ignition lockout.

But it is a really easy mod to do. I could give you instructions that are a little better if you want. When I have a bit more time to type them, off to dinner!

so can you use both the button and the key or just the button?

Depends on how you wire it, I'll tell you later. more question... which power inverter did you use for your outlet?

400W. Dunno the brand, but it's red.

Lets see if I can get a shot of my push button switch


  • switches-clean.jpg
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Pete, is that your sport or the Limited? Did you do that for the 5.0 conversion? How did you wire it up?

On a side note, how is good old Macomb? You ever join a Fraternity?


That's in the 91 sport... got the 5.0 in there... it goes from the battery, to the switch to the starter solinoid.

Macomb sucks as it always has... No frat for me... Not a huge thing for me. I'm here, get in get out and be done with it.

Is the '91 running or still in the process of installation? I never heard one way or the other. I would like to get a peak under the hood of it once everything is done, and maybe a ride in it too.. :D


my friend has one in his ricer... it is rigged up so that the key must be in the on position, and he must push the switch to start it... he did with the key so people coudnt just jump in his car and drive it away... it is an illuminted switch that is about an inch in diameter and says "Engine Start" or something like that on it.....

Maybe if I'm lucky it'll run this summer... It's getting there really slowly. My ignition is all fubared... The key is stuck in the ignition, so that stays in there, only to run things like lights, heater radio wipers etc... Other than that, I've got the starter, fuel pump and ignition switched on their own.

Well, let me know if you want me to sit around and watch you work on it, as I don't know how much help I would be in actually working on it, but I would like to see it...

Let me know.

Jim - That's the type of thing that I was thinking of doing, just to be a little different and throw the thieves off...


Yes, that's why you don't want fuel, ignition, and starter all independent of the key.

Anyway, I use my key to start the vast majority of the time. Like I said before, get a good 12V power source directly from the battery or a good key on source. Then, find the starter solenoid on your fender. The starter solenoid will have 2 large posts and one or 2 small posts. On the small post will be a small wire with a cool boot on it, should be red. Splice a line into that red wire to run inside to the pushbutton. This way the starter solenoid can get a signal both from the factory key crank position and your new pushbutton. Very simple, huh?

Oh, and if there's on wiring job you pay attention to make sure it's this one. You don't want your starter turning over randomly.
