Mystery Toggle Switch | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Mystery Toggle Switch


New Member
December 25, 2002
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City, State
Springfield, IL
Year, Model & Trim Level
1993 Sport
Hello All,

I have a 1993 Ex. Sport 4x4 that has a toggle switch underneath the steering wheel area and a red LED light to the left of the steering wheel. The truck does have an alarm, but the position of the switch doesn't seem to affect it.

Does anyone know what function this switch has?

Thank you.

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Could be a valet switch for an aftermarket alarm?????????

I haven't noticed any change in my truck regardless of position of the switch. I thought it might be a kill switch, but everything seems normal other than my 4x4 won't engage. I bought the truck used so I am unsure whether it's an aftermarket or OEM part.

Does not sound like an OR< item.

Can you trace the wires to the switch and see where they go?

"but everything seems normal other than my 4x4 won't engage."

Can't you put in a switch to keep it out of 4x4... wait never mind thats the auto 4x4. I dunno.

On "MOST" alarms the valet switch only works when the key is in the "on" position are you switching it with the key on?

Does your '93 usually run in 2WD? 'cause those of us with AUTO put a switch in to disable it.

he has a 93 so he has 2wd. his truck doesnt have the same transfer case as the 97 and up. It could be a switch for fog lights that where taken off or some some other accessory that has been removed.

When I bought mine, same thing. I had two spots right underneath the steering wheel that were taped up into the dash. Looked to me like one for a toggle switch, one for a Cd changer. I'll be running one of those same lines for my fog lights, I used my voltage checker and everything is good.

that is where the valet switch is for the alarm i used to have.... of course, i took out the alrm due to electrical problems and have never reinstalled it... i lost power doors, but i dont care, the doors are coming off soon anyways...... now, there is just a switch under the column.....

in my truck I have a kill switch for my radar detector mounted there. It might be something like that.

Thank you all for the suggestions. I'll try tracing the wires.

As you can tell I don't know jack about cars. I'm trying to change that though.

Great site!

remote starter

My switch for my remote starter is in same spot. Lets me disable the unit if need be
