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torque convertor question


October 19, 2000
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Just curious, but what kind of test needs to be done to determine whether it is actually the torque converter, or is the transmission itself? A friend of mine rebuilt his automatic transmission on his eagle, and to make a long story short.. it didn't exactly work as planned. He got extremely pissed off and went out and bought a used one. ...Kind of wondering how we could determine the problem with his rebuild job.

-thanks in advance


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Did he replace the converter? Flush the cooler? When your tranny fails all the debris are carried via the fluid and deposited in either the converter or the cooler. If neither item is addressed, as soon as you fire the engine and the tranny starts pupming fluid all the debris will be once again carried by the fluid throughout the transmission. This will plug oil passages, wipe out hard parts, and overall destroy a new transmission in a few weeks.


The rebuilt one didn't work from the start actually. The fluid was definetly replaced. Just wondering if there is a way to determine what's at fault, the torque convertor or the actual gearing.

Not likely it's the torque converter, who did the rebuild? If they missed any old gasket material or left some trash on the face of the valve body, this would cause it to loose pressure internally..Auto tranny's work off of fluid pressure, anything that interfers with this will keep it from shifting..You should be able to take the torque converter to any "good" tranny shop and have it tested..Visual inspection, you want to look into the shaft opening and see if it is oblong, or lose collars, drain it and see if you get a rattle..Thats about the best you can do without taking it in..hope this helps.If you've never had one apart or know somebody who has, its not a good idea to mess with it..
