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Torque Convertor Woes


November 22, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
Tampa, Fl
Year, Model & Trim Level
'99 XLT
I was going down the road the other day and my X had a hard time shifting between what seemed to be 2-3 and then it went away. Was almost like a slip so decided to take in the X to get a fluid change and filter put in the tranny pan since I just got her not too long ago. She has about 145k on her roughly and I was a lil leary but I got a great deal. Anywho when the tranny pan came off there was A LOT of metal shavings on my magnet (about 1/4 to 1/2 inch thick) you could goop it off with your finger. So decided to have the shop tear her down and assess the damage. Apparently my torque converter went to **** and began to put metal shavings through my tranny and the clutches inside are going and need to be replaced. :thumbdwn: Not sure what to expect for a replacement cost yet but will find out tomorrow. In the mean time wanted some opinions as to if this sounds normal or if anyone else has ever has this trouble. She is a 4.0 5R55E with 4 wheel drive. Any help would be appreciated and another question is do you think I should beef her up... there were tellin me a few ways to make it a lil more stout during the rebuild. Thanks in advance and I hope you can help!!!T

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If you don't know the maintenance history of the truck, then we can assume this was the first time the pan has been dropped. That would mean the transmission has 145,000 miles on it, with no service. In my book, that's not bad at all. (Makes you wonder about that good deal, doesn't it?).

Regarding prices, expect to pay in the neighborhood of $2,000 for the rebuild.

Regarding "beefing it up", what do you intend to do with the truck?

i only use it to tow my boat (not too heavy few thousand pounds) and just drivin around town... not off roading at all

Talk to the guys who will be rebuilding your transmission. Tell them what your plans are for the truck. Personally, I would consider a shift kit, an external, separate transmission fluid cooler, and a temp guage for the transmission fluid in the drivers compartment.

Plan on regular 20,000 mile fluid and filter changes if you tow alot. Be absolutely certain you are using Mercon V.

i know this is a matter of opinion but if i am rebuilding this should i go with the flush and filter or just do the fluid in the pan and filter on my changes at every 20k?

The reason I said 20K mile changes was because of the towing. If you install a separate cooler and temp gauge, you'll be in a real good position to monitor the transmission and know if it's getting hot.

Knowing that it wasn't overheating and still operating properly, I would probably alternate fluid/filter changes with flushes.

I have no personal experience with Amsoil products, but some guys on this board (I think Aldive?) do and swear by them. You may want to search around and ask them what their recommendations are.

P.S. Don't neglect the transfer case...


IMHO, I have had GREAT experience with Mobil1 Synthetic ATF fluid for all my trannies from my 2 Explorers to my BMW's. It works great.

Changing the ATF fluid and filter every 12,000 miles is cheap and a no brainer as well as a fluid flush if you are towing a boat.

My 2wd 94 Explorer with factory tow package has used Mobil1 ATF for years and it just keeps going and going, 178,000 miles. I just bought a used 2wd 96 Explorer and had the trannie completely rebuilt with all new internals, etc. and used Mobil1 Synthetic ATF and it shifts now as smoothly as my wife's 2005 Lexus RX330. My original BMW automatic trannie is at 127,000 miles with no rebuilds, regular fluid/filter changes with Mobil1 ATF.

Good luck and make sure you are using a reputable place that has experience rebuilding 5R55E trannies and will go through all the internal hard parts as well as the torque convertor and if it needs it, a rebuilt valve body with the shift kit.

Good luck.

